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The grades 3-8 English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics assessments measure the higher learning standards that were adopted by the State Board of Regents in 2010, which more accurately reflect students' progress toward college and career readiness. Data available on this site are based on those reported by schools and districts to the State as of August 13, 2021 via the Student Information Repository System (SIRS). The New York State School Report Card 3-8 English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics assessment data will be based on those data reported as of the final school year reporting deadline.

Due to the extraordinary circumstances related to the pandemic, approximately 4 out of 10 enrolled students participated in state assessments in 2020-21. Because only 40% of students’ results are available, state assessments are not representative of the state’s student population and the results should not be compared statewide or by statewide subgroup, or with prior year’s results and are not reflected below.

District and school level performance data, as well as the number and percentage of students who tested and did not test, are available for 2020-21. However, depending on the percentage of students that took the tests in a given school or district, the school and district’s results may not be representative of that school or district’s student population.

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2021 Mathematics Grade 3 Participation Data

Subgroup Subgroup Enrollment Subgroup Tested Subgroup Not Tested
Count % Count % Count %
All Students 192,616 100% 93,430 49% 99,186 51%
Female 93,512 49% 46,108 49% 47,404 51%
Male 99,104 51% 47,322 48% 51,782 52%
General Education Students 152,387 79% 80,231 53% 72,156 47%
Students with Disabilities 40,229 21% 13,199 33% 27,030 67%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1,473 1% 513 35% 960 65%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 20,206 10% 9,824 49% 10,382 51%
Black or African American 30,785 16% 9,379 30% 21,406 70%
Hispanic or Latino 55,283 29% 19,921 36% 35,362 64%
White 78,038 41% 50,025 64% 28,013 36%
Multiracial 6,831 4% 3,768 55% 3,063 45%
Economically Disadvantaged 110,421 57% 45,024 41% 65,397 59%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 82,195 43% 48,406 59% 33,789 41%
English Language Learner 22,890 12% 9,132 40% 13,758 60%
Non-English Language Learner 169,726 88% 84,298 50% 85,428 50%
In Foster Care 742 0% 266 36% 476 64%
Not in Foster Care 191,874 100% 93,164 49% 98,710 51%
Homeless 8,822 5% 2,103 24% 6,719 76%
Not Homeless 183,794 95% 91,327 50% 92,467 50%
Migrant 166 0% 117 70% 49 30%
Not Migrant 192,450 100% 93,313 48% 99,137 52%
Parent in Armed Forces 501 0% 437 87% 64 13%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 192,115 100% 92,993 48% 99,122 52%

2021 Mathematics Grade 4 Participation Data

Subgroup Subgroup Enrollment Subgroup Tested Subgroup Not Tested
Count % Count % Count %
All Students 193,446 100% 93,312 48% 100,134 52%
Female 94,134 49% 45,671 49% 48,463 51%
Male 99,312 51% 47,641 48% 51,671 52%
General Education Students 152,703 79% 79,936 52% 72,767 48%
Students with Disabilities 40,743 21% 13,376 33% 27,367 67%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1,404 1% 536 38% 868 62%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 19,132 10% 9,695 51% 9,437 49%
Black or African American 31,333 16% 9,398 30% 21,935 70%
Hispanic or Latino 55,686 29% 19,726 35% 35,960 65%
White 79,193 41% 50,362 64% 28,831 36%
Multiracial 6,698 3% 3,595 54% 3,103 46%
Economically Disadvantaged 110,521 57% 44,383 40% 66,138 60%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 82,925 43% 48,929 59% 33,996 41%
English Language Learner 20,347 11% 7,947 39% 12,400 61%
Non-English Language Learner 173,099 89% 85,365 49% 87,734 51%
In Foster Care 696 0% 232 33% 464 67%
Not in Foster Care 192,750 100% 93,080 48% 99,670 52%
Homeless 9,093 5% 2,216 24% 6,877 76%
Not Homeless 184,353 95% 91,096 49% 93,257 51%
Migrant 135 0% 98 73% 37 27%
Not Migrant 193,311 100% 93,214 48% 100,097 52%
Parent in Armed Forces 471 0% 377 80% 94 20%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 192,975 100% 92,935 48% 100,040 52%

2021 Mathematics Grade 5 Participation Data

Subgroup Subgroup Enrollment Subgroup Tested Subgroup Not Tested
Count % Count % Count %
All Students 198,082 100% 88,912 45% 109,170 55%
Female 95,797 48% 42,961 45% 52,836 55%
Male 102,285 52% 45,951 45% 56,334 55%
General Education Students 155,240 78% 75,884 49% 79,356 51%
Students with Disabilities 42,842 22% 13,028 30% 29,814 70%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1,363 1% 431 32% 932 68%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 18,763 9% 8,827 47% 9,936 53%
Black or African American 32,307 16% 9,348 29% 22,959 71%
Hispanic or Latino 57,512 29% 19,434 34% 38,078 66%
White 81,328 41% 47,473 58% 33,855 42%
Multiracial 6,809 3% 3,399 50% 3,410 50%
Economically Disadvantaged 112,967 57% 42,983 38% 69,984 62%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 85,115 43% 45,929 54% 39,186 46%
English Language Learner 18,547 9% 6,832 37% 11,715 63%
Non-English Language Learner 179,535 91% 82,080 46% 97,455 54%
In Foster Care 623 0% 229 37% 394 63%
Not in Foster Care 197,459 100% 88,683 45% 108,776 55%
Homeless 8,945 5% 2,161 24% 6,784 76%
Not Homeless 189,137 95% 86,751 46% 102,386 54%
Migrant 135 0% 92 68% 43 32%
Not Migrant 197,947 100% 88,820 45% 109,127 55%
Parent in Armed Forces 432 0% 351 81% 81 19%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 197,650 100% 88,561 45% 109,089 55%

2021 Mathematics Grade 6 Participation Data

Subgroup Subgroup Enrollment Subgroup Tested Subgroup Not Tested
Count % Count % Count %
All Students 200,900 100% 81,830 41% 119,070 59%
Female 97,288 48% 39,298 40% 57,990 60%
Male 103,612 52% 42,532 41% 61,080 59%
General Education Students 158,082 79% 70,056 44% 88,026 56%
Students with Disabilities 42,818 21% 11,774 27% 31,044 73%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1,330 1% 405 30% 925 70%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 19,217 10% 8,105 42% 11,112 58%
Black or African American 33,697 17% 8,671 26% 25,026 74%
Hispanic or Latino 57,813 29% 16,808 29% 41,005 71%
White 82,135 41% 44,790 55% 37,345 45%
Multiracial 6,708 3% 3,051 45% 3,657 55%
Economically Disadvantaged 118,616 59% 39,663 33% 78,953 67%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 82,284 41% 42,167 51% 40,117 49%
English Language Learner 17,630 9% 5,598 32% 12,032 68%
Non-English Language Learner 183,270 91% 76,232 42% 107,038 58%
In Foster Care 617 0% 191 31% 426 69%
Not in Foster Care 200,283 100% 81,639 41% 118,644 59%
Homeless 8,677 4% 1,672 19% 7,005 81%
Not Homeless 192,223 96% 80,158 42% 112,065 58%
Migrant 151 0% 105 70% 46 30%
Not Migrant 200,749 100% 81,725 41% 119,024 59%
Parent in Armed Forces 449 0% 364 81% 85 19%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 200,451 100% 81,466 41% 118,985 59%

2021 Mathematics Grade 7 Participation Data

Subgroup Subgroup Enrollment Subgroup Tested Subgroup Not Tested
Count % Count % Count %
All Students 203,773 100% 75,517 37% 128,256 63%
Female 98,285 48% 35,703 36% 62,582 64%
Male 105,488 52% 39,814 38% 65,674 62%
General Education Students 161,132 79% 64,565 40% 96,567 60%
Students with Disabilities 42,641 21% 10,952 26% 31,689 74%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1,372 1% 427 31% 945 69%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 19,819 10% 8,095 41% 11,724 59%
Black or African American 34,022 17% 8,014 24% 26,008 76%
Hispanic or Latino 57,857 28% 14,926 26% 42,931 74%
White 84,396 41% 41,536 49% 42,860 51%
Multiracial 6,307 3% 2,519 40% 3,788 60%
Economically Disadvantaged 115,672 57% 35,609 31% 80,063 69%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 88,101 43% 39,908 45% 48,193 55%
English Language Learner 15,955 8% 4,661 29% 11,294 71%
Non-English Language Learner 187,818 92% 70,856 38% 116,962 62%
In Foster Care 614 0% 175 29% 439 71%
Not in Foster Care 203,159 100% 75,342 37% 127,817 63%
Homeless 8,672 4% 1,677 19% 6,995 81%
Not Homeless 195,101 96% 73,840 38% 121,261 62%
Migrant 129 0% 76 59% 53 41%
Not Migrant 203,644 100% 75,441 37% 128,203 63%
Parent in Armed Forces 404 0% 321 79% 83 21%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 203,369 100% 75,196 37% 128,173 63%

2021 Mathematics Grade 8 Participation Data

Subgroup Subgroup Enrollment Subgroup Tested Subgroup Not Tested
Count % Count % Count %
All Students 206,227 100% 43,752 21% 162,475 79%
Female 100,263 49% 19,692 20% 80,571 80%
Male 105,964 51% 24,060 23% 81,904 77%
General Education Students 163,877 79% 35,271 22% 128,606 78%
Students with Disabilities 42,350 21% 8,481 20% 33,869 80%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1,423 1% 299 21% 1,124 79%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 20,416 10% 2,829 14% 17,587 86%
Black or African American 34,408 17% 5,107 15% 29,301 85%
Hispanic or Latino 57,777 28% 9,220 16% 48,557 84%
White 86,372 42% 24,909 29% 61,463 71%
Multiracial 5,831 3% 1,388 24% 4,443 76%
Economically Disadvantaged 114,983 56% 22,820 20% 92,163 80%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 91,244 44% 20,932 23% 70,312 77%
English Language Learner 13,919 7% 2,809 20% 11,110 80%
Non-English Language Learner 192,308 93% 40,943 21% 151,365 79%
In Foster Care 612 0% 151 25% 461 75%
Not in Foster Care 205,615 100% 43,601 21% 162,014 79%
Homeless 8,260 4% 1,025 12% 7,235 88%
Not Homeless 197,967 96% 42,727 22% 155,240 78%
Migrant 132 0% 65 49% 67 51%
Not Migrant 206,095 100% 43,687 21% 162,408 79%
Parent in Armed Forces 363 0% 190 52% 173 48%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 205,864 100% 43,562 21% 162,302 79%