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Graduation Rate Business Rules

SIRS Reporting Deadlines

Cohorts Reported

Cohort year is determined using the First Date of Entry into Grade 9 as reported in SIRS. The 2020 Total Cohort Graduation Rate data includes:

The 4-Year August and 5- and 6-Year cohorts are cumulative.

The 2020 total cohort consists of all students, based on last enrollment record as of June 30, 2024, with a First Date of Entry into Grade 9 during the 2020-21 school year (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021), regardless of their current grade level.

The cohort year for students whose last enrollment record has a grade of “14” (i.e., 7–12 ungraded) is identified using the date reported in the First Date of Entry into Grade 9 field. In circumstances where no date has been reported for an ungraded student, cohort year will be the school year the student turned 17.

Regardless of cohort, students are reported in the school and district where they were last enrolled as of the reporting date (4, 5, or 6 years after date of first entry in grade 9). The last enrollment record is defined as the regular enrollment record with the most recent beginning date as of the reporting date. Cohort year is determined using the date reported in the First Date of Entry into Grade 9 field in the school year in which the last enrollment record occurred. For more information on cohorts, see Appendix V in the SIRS Manual.


Aggregations are done at five different levels:

If a school shows student data in more than one district:

Closed schools/districts:


To ensure student confidentiality, the Department does not publish outcome data for groups with non-zero counts fewer than five (5) students or data that would allow readers to easily determine the performance of a group with enrollment from one to five students.

Graduates and Graduation Rate

Graduation rate is calculated using the number of graduates (see the breakdown below) as of the indicated reporting date divided by the total cohort count.


Students whose last enrollment record had one of the following exit codes in SIRS:


This includes graduates and students whose last enrollment exit record was:

More information on entry and exit enrollment codes as well as credential codes can be found in the SIRS Manual.

HSE (GED) Students

Students enrolled in an Approved High School Equivalency Program (AHSEP) are counted as non-completers, but not as dropouts. The exception to this is when a student transfers to an AHSEP, but no enrollment record for that program is reported prior to the end of the same school year.

Closed Schools

In the event a school is closed, graduation data for the school will not be displayed on or included in the downloadable researcher database. Counts of student outcomes for closed schools will be included in district (when applicable), country, NRC, and statewide aggregations.
