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Higher Education Students with Disabilities Business Rules

This report includes counts of students (undergraduate and graduate, as well as full-time and part-time) who self-identified as a student with one or more disabilities and who took one or more courses that carried credit. These data are reported to the New York State Education Department (NYSED) in the IRS Data Exchange (IDEx) by degree granting institutions of higher education in New York State (NYS). The reporting period for this data is academic year.

The count of students with a print disability was added as part of the 2017-18 collection. This is the count of students with barriers to accessing instructional materials requiring readers, note takers, and/or materials in alternate format. The students who are reported in the print disability count are also reported under the disability category(s) that best represent their disability.

Also reported is the unduplicated total number of staff and their 12-month full-time equivalents (FTEs, with full-time as defined by the institution). This count includes all full-time and part-time staff who work in the Disability/Accessibility Services Office. Included in the count is only those staff members on the institution's payroll and does not include outside contracted services.

Data are provided at the individual institution level as well as aggregated up to the County and State level. County data is an aggregate of those institutions which reside in that County. State data is an aggregate of all institutions. For the County and State aggregations, data are further aggregated by Public or Private institutions, Sector (SUNY, CUNY, Independent, and Proprietary), and 2-year or 4-year/Grad institutions.
