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Annually, school districts and charter schools are required to conduct a survey concerning student digital resources and Internet access in their homes. Required by Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17, the Student Digital Resources and Access data provides information about student access to devices and internet at their place of residence. It is imperative that districts, BOCES, charter schools, and the New York State Education Department maintain an updated, accurate, complete picture of the digital access status for each individual student. The data will help identify specific needs and target resources. The data should also be used at local level for instructional and programmatic decision-making.

Information is reported to the State Education Department through the Student Information Repository System (SIRS). The count of enrolled includes students enrolled at any time during the school year in that location. The following data points are collected by school districts by surveying students’ households.


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

Indication of whether the school or district issued the student a dedicated school- or district-owned device for the student’s use during the school year.

1. Did the school district issue your child a dedicated school or district-owned device for their use during the school year?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

87.53% of Enrolled

All Students279 77.9379 22.07
Female132 79.0435 20.96
Male147 76.9644 23.04
Black6 46.157 53.85
Hispanic12 608 40
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander46 83.649 16.36
White193 79.4250 20.58
Multiracial22 81.485 18.52
General Education Students239 79.9360 20.07
Students with Disabilities40 67.819 32.2
Not English Language Learner271 77.8777 22.13
English Language Learner8 802 20
Economically Disadvantaged39 7811 22
Not Economically Disadvantaged240 77.9268 22.08
Not Migrant279 77.9379 22.07
Homeless0 00 0
Not Homeless279 77.9379 22.07
In Foster Care2 1000 0
Not in Foster Care277 77.8179 22.19
Parent in Armed Forces0 01 100
Parent Not in Armed Forces279 78.1578 21.85


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

2. What is the device your child uses most often to complete learning activities away from school? (This can be a school-provided device or another device, whichever the student is most often using to complete their schoolwork.)



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

87.53% of Enrolled

SubgroupChromebookDesktopLaptopNo DeviceSmartphoneTablet
All Students237 66.26 1.6836 10.0642 11.732 .5635 9.78
Female121 72.463 1.816 9.5813 7.781 .613 7.78
Male116 60.733 1.5720 10.4729 15.181 .5222 11.52
Black5 38.460 02 15.383 23.081 7.692 15.38
Hispanic11 551 52 105 250 01 5
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander38 69.091 1.826 10.914 7.270 06 10.91
White164 67.494 1.6523 9.4728 11.521 .4123 9.47
Multiracial19 70.370 03 11.112 7.410 03 11.11
General Education Students205 68.566 2.0134 11.3729 9.71 .3324 8.03
Students with Disabilities32 54.240 02 3.3913 22.031 1.6911 18.64
Not English Language Learner231 66.385 1.4436 10.3441 11.782 .5733 9.48
English Language Learner6 601 100 01 100 02 20
Economically Disadvantaged31 622 44 88 161 24 8
Not Economically Disadvantaged206 66.884 1.332 10.3934 11.041 .3231 10.06
Not Migrant237 66.26 1.6836 10.0642 11.732 .5635 9.78
Homeless0 00 00 00 00 00 0
Not Homeless237 66.26 1.6836 10.0642 11.732 .5635 9.78
In Foster Care2 1000 00 00 00 00 0
Not in Foster Care235 66.016 1.6936 10.1142 11.82 .5635 9.83
Parent in Armed Forces0 00 00 01 1000 00 0
Parent Not in Armed Forces237 66.396 1.6836 10.0841 11.482 .5635 9.8


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

3. Who is the provider of the primary learning device identified in question 2? (This can be a school-provided device or another device, whichever the student is most often using to complete their schoolwork.)



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

77.26% of Enrolled

SubgroupNo DevicePersonalSchool
All Students0 056 17.72260 82.28
Female0 027 17.53127 82.47
Male0 029 17.9133 82.1
Black0 06 604 40
Hispanic0 04 26.6711 73.33
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander0 08 15.6943 84.31
White0 034 15.81181 84.19
Multiracial0 04 1621 84
General Education Students0 041 15.19229 84.81
Students with Disabilities0 015 32.6131 67.39
Not English Language Learner0 054 17.59253 82.41
English Language Learner0 02 22.227 77.78
Economically Disadvantaged0 05 11.937 88.1
Not Economically Disadvantaged0 051 18.61223 81.39
Not Migrant0 056 17.72260 82.28
Homeless0 00 00 0
Not Homeless0 056 17.72260 82.28
In Foster Care0 00 02 100
Not in Foster Care0 056 17.83258 82.17
Parent in Armed Forces0 00 00 0
Parent Not in Armed Forces0 056 17.72260 82.28


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

4. Is the primary learning device (identified in question 2) shared with anyone else in the household?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

77.26% of Enrolled

SubgroupNo DeviceNot SharedShared
All Students0 0286 90.5130 9.49
Female0 0140 90.9114 9.09
Male0 0146 90.1216 9.88
Black0 08 802 20
Hispanic0 012 803 20
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander0 046 90.25 9.8
White0 0197 91.6318 8.37
Multiracial0 023 922 8
General Education Students0 0247 91.4823 8.52
Students with Disabilities0 039 84.787 15.22
Not English Language Learner0 0278 90.5529 9.45
English Language Learner0 08 88.891 11.11
Economically Disadvantaged0 039 92.863 7.14
Not Economically Disadvantaged0 0247 90.1527 9.85
Not Migrant0 0286 90.5130 9.49
Homeless0 00 00 0
Not Homeless0 0286 90.5130 9.49
In Foster Care0 02 1000 0
Not in Foster Care0 0284 90.4530 9.55
Parent in Armed Forces0 00 00 0
Parent Not in Armed Forces0 0286 90.5130 9.49


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

5. Is the primary learning device (identified in question 2) sufficient for your child to fully participate in all learning activities away from school?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

77.26% of Enrolled

SubgroupNot SufficientSufficient
All Students19 6.01297 93.99
Female9 5.84145 94.16
Male10 6.17152 93.83
Black3 307 70
Hispanic2 13.3313 86.67
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander4 7.8447 92.16
White8 3.72207 96.28
Multiracial2 823 92
General Education Students14 5.19256 94.81
Students with Disabilities5 10.8741 89.13
Not English Language Learner19 6.19288 93.81
English Language Learner0 09 100
Economically Disadvantaged4 9.5238 90.48
Not Economically Disadvantaged15 5.47259 94.53
Not Migrant19 6.01297 93.99
Homeless0 00 0
Not Homeless19 6.01297 93.99
In Foster Care0 02 100
Not in Foster Care19 6.05295 93.95
Parent in Armed Forces0 00 0
Parent Not in Armed Forces19 6.01297 93.99


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

6. Is your child able to access the internet in their primary place of residence?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

87.53% of Enrolled

All Students3 .84355 99.16
Female1 .6166 99.4
Male2 1.05189 98.95
Black1 7.6912 92.31
Hispanic0 020 100
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander0 055 100
White2 .82241 99.18
Multiracial0 027 100
General Education Students3 1296 99
Students with Disabilities0 059 100
Not English Language Learner3 .86345 99.14
English Language Learner0 010 100
Economically Disadvantaged1 249 98
Not Economically Disadvantaged2 .65306 99.35
Not Migrant3 .84355 99.16
Homeless0 00 0
Not Homeless3 .84355 99.16
In Foster Care0 02 100
Not in Foster Care3 .84353 99.16
Parent in Armed Forces0 01 100
Parent Not in Armed Forces3 .84354 99.16


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

7. What is the primary type of internet service used in your child’s primary place of residence?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

86.8% of Enrolled

SubgroupCellularCommunity Wi-FiDial-upDSLMobile HotspotNoneOtherBroadbandSatellite
All Students13 3.6611 3.11 .287 1.971 .280 08 2.25314 88.450 0
Female4 2.414 2.410 04 2.411 .60 04 2.41149 89.760 0
Male9 4.767 3.71 .533 1.590 00 04 2.12165 87.30 0
Black1 8.332 16.670 00 00 00 01 8.338 66.670 0
Hispanic2 103 150 01 50 00 00 014 700 0
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander0 01 1.821 1.823 5.450 00 02 3.6448 87.270 0
White10 4.155 2.070 03 1.241 .410 04 1.66218 90.460 0
Multiracial0 00 00 00 00 00 01 3.726 96.30 0
General Education Students11 3.729 3.040 06 2.030 00 05 1.69265 89.530 0
Students with Disabilities2 3.392 3.391 1.691 1.691 1.690 03 5.0849 83.050 0
Not English Language Learner13 3.7710 2.91 .296 1.741 .290 08 2.32306 88.70 0
English Language Learner0 01 100 01 100 00 00 08 800 0
Economically Disadvantaged1 2.044 8.160 01 2.041 2.040 04 8.1638 77.550 0
Not Economically Disadvantaged12 3.927 2.291 .336 1.960 00 04 1.31276 90.20 0
Not Migrant13 3.6611 3.11 .287 1.971 .280 08 2.25314 88.450 0
Homeless0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0
Not Homeless13 3.6611 3.11 .287 1.971 .280 08 2.25314 88.450 0
In Foster Care0 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 1000 0
Not in Foster Care13 3.6811 3.121 .287 1.981 .280 08 2.27312 88.390 0
Parent in Armed Forces0 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 1000 0
Parent Not in Armed Forces13 3.6711 3.111 .287 1.981 .280 08 2.26313 88.420 0


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

8. In their primary residence, can your child complete the full range of learning activities, including video streaming and assignment upload, without interruptions caused by slow or poor internet performance?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

86.8% of Enrolled

All Students6 1.69349 98.31
Female2 1.2164 98.8
Male4 2.12185 97.88
Black1 8.3311 91.67
Hispanic3 1517 85
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander0 055 100
White2 .83239 99.17
Multiracial0 027 100
General Education Students6 2.03290 97.97
Students with Disabilities0 059 100
Not English Language Learner6 1.74339 98.26
English Language Learner0 010 100
Economically Disadvantaged2 4.0847 95.92
Not Economically Disadvantaged4 1.31302 98.69
Not Migrant6 1.69349 98.31
Homeless0 00 0
Not Homeless6 1.69349 98.31
In Foster Care0 02 100
Not in Foster Care6 1.7347 98.3
Parent in Armed Forces0 01 100
Parent Not in Armed Forces6 1.69348 98.31


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

9. What, if any, is the primary barrier to having sufficient and reliable internet access in your child’s primary place of residence?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

87.53% of Enrolled

All Students3 .844 1.12349 97.492 .56
Female2 1.20 0164 98.21 .6
Male1 .524 2.09185 96.861 .52
Black0 01 7.6911 84.621 7.69
Hispanic0 02 1017 851 5
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander0 00 055 1000 0
White3 1.231 .41239 98.350 0
Multiracial0 00 027 1000 0
General Education Students3 14 1.34290 96.992 .67
Students with Disabilities0 00 059 1000 0
Not English Language Learner3 .864 1.15339 97.412 .57
English Language Learner0 00 010 1000 0
Economically Disadvantaged0 01 247 942 4
Not Economically Disadvantaged3 .973 .97302 98.050 0
Not Migrant3 .844 1.12349 97.492 .56
Homeless0 00 00 00 0
Not Homeless3 .844 1.12349 97.492 .56
In Foster Care0 00 02 1000 0
Not in Foster Care3 .844 1.12347 97.472 .56
Parent in Armed Forces0 00 01 1000 0
Parent Not in Armed Forces3 .844 1.12348 97.482 .56