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The New York State Report Card is an important part of the Board of Regents’ effort to create educational equity and raise learning standards for all students. Knowledge gained from the report card on a school’s or district’s strengths and weaknesses can be used to improve instruction and services to students. The report card provides information to the public on school/district staff, students, and measures of school and district performance as required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Fundamentally, ESSA is about creating a set of interlocking strategies to promote educational equity by providing support to districts and schools as they work to ensure that every student succeeds. New York State is committed to ensuring that all students succeed and thrive in school no matter who they are, where they live, where they go to school, or where they come from.

Glossary and Guide

2019-20 Accountability Status Based on 2018-19 Data

Made Progress



The link below provides a list of all Local Education Agencies and public schools that received section 1003 school improvement funds, including the amount of funds each school received and the types of strategies implemented in each school with such funds.

Section 1003 School Improvement Funds Data (54.71 kilobytes)

For information on the use of Title I School Improvement funds, see:

Subgroup Status Made Progress
All Students Good Standing NA
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Good Standing NA
Black or African American Good Standing NA
Hispanic or Latino Good Standing NA
Multiracial Good Standing NA
White Good Standing NA
English Language Learners Good Standing NA
Students with Disabilities Good Standing NA
Economically Disadvantaged Good Standing NA
Subgroup Composite Performance Growth Composite Performance & Growth Combined English Language Proficiency (ELP) Progress Chronic Absenteeism
All Students 2 2 2 2 2 3
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 4 3 4 3 4
Black or African American 2 2 2 3 2
Hispanic or Latino 2 2 2 2 2 3
Multiracial 3 2 3 3 3
White 2 2 2 3 3
English Language Learners 2 2 2 2 1 3
Students with Disabilities 2 2 2 1 3
Economically Disadvantaged 2 2 2 2 2 3
ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE Composite Performance
Subgroup Level
All Students 2
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 4
Black or African American 2
Hispanic or Latino 2
Multiracial 3
White 2
English Language Learners 2
Students with Disabilities 2
Economically Disadvantaged 2
ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE Core Subject Performance
Subgroup Subject Cohort Index Level
All Students ELA 1,090 131.9 3
Math 1,073 141.1 3
Science 378 210.8 3
Combined 2,541 147.5 3
American Indian or Alaska Native ELA 5 190
Math 5 220
Science 2
Combined 12
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander ELA 41 173.2 4
Math 41 176.8 4
Science 12 220.8 4
Combined 94 180.9 4
Black or African American ELA 42 128.6 2
Math 40 108.8 2
Science 21 192.9 2
Combined 103 134 2
Hispanic or Latino ELA 109 114.2 2
Math 104 109.1 2
Science 34 182.4 2
Combined 247 121.5 2
Multiracial ELA 65 141.5 3
Math 60 159.2 3
Science 41 207.3 3
Combined 166 164.2 3
White ELA 851 132.8 3
Math 846 144.1 3
Science 296 215.5 3
Combined 1,993 149.9 3
English Language Learners ELA 44 70.5 2
Math 46 63 2
Science 14 128.6 2
Combined 104 75 2
Students with Disabilities ELA 178 52.2 2
Math 168 58 2
Science 56 165.2 2
Combined 402 70.4 2
Economically Disadvantaged ELA 493 106.2 3
Math 468 109.4 3
Science 155 187.1 3
Combined 1,116 118.8 3
ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE Weighted Average Performance
Subgroup Subject Cohort Index Level
All Students ELA 1,397 102.9 2
Math 1,399 108.2 2
Science 458 174 2
Combined 3,254 115.2 2
American Indian or Alaska Native ELA 5 190
Math 5 220
Science 2
Combined 12
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander ELA 41 173.2 4
Math 41 176.8 4
Science 12 220.8 4
Combined 94 180.9 4
Black or African American ELA 53 101.9 2
Math 53 82.1 2
Science 30 135 2
Combined 136 101.5 2
Hispanic or Latino ELA 142 87.7 2
Math 143 79.4 2
Science 41 151.2 2
Combined 326 92 2
Multiracial ELA 79 116.5 3
Math 79 120.9 3
Science 50 170 3
Combined 208 131 3
White ELA 1,101 102.7 2
Math 1,102 110.7 2
Science 359 177.7 2
Combined 2,562 116.6 2
English Language Learners ELA 58 53.4 2
Math 59 49.2 2
Science 19 94.7 2
Combined 136 57.4 2
Students with Disabilities ELA 262 35.5 2
Math 262 37.2 2
Science 91 101.6 2
Combined 615 46 2
Economically Disadvantaged ELA 666 78.6 2
Math 667 76.8 2
Science 216 134.3 2
Combined 1,549 85.6 2
ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE Growth (2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19)
Subgroup Sum Of SGPs Number Of SGPs Index Level
All Students 202,062 4,158 48.6 2
American Indian or Alaska Native 8
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 4,331 81 53.5 3
Black or African American 6,705 142 47.2 2
Hispanic or Latino 17,906 364 49.2 2
Multiracial 11,061 227 48.7 2
White 161,643 3,336 48.5 2
English Language Learners 3,431 69 49.7 2
Students with Disabilities 28,328 586 48.3 2
Economically Disadvantaged 87,500 1,802 48.6 2
ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE Composite Performance and Growth Combined
Subgroup Level
All Students 2
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 4
Black or African American 2
Hispanic or Latino 2
Multiracial 3
White 2
English Language Learners 2
Students with Disabilities 2
Economically Disadvantaged 2
Subgroup Number Of ELLs Benchmark Progress Rate Success Ratio Level
All Students 40 43% 33% 0.8 2
American Indian or Alaska Native 0
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 8
Black or African American 0
Hispanic or Latino 48 41% 35% 0.9 2
Multiracial 0
White 7
English Language Learners 40 43% 33% 0.8 2
Students with Disabilities 7
Economically Disadvantaged 35 43% 26% 0.6 2
Subgroup Subject Baseline Cohort Index District MIP State MIP Long-Term Goal Exceed Long-Term Goal Met SH Target Met AG Target End Goal Level Average Of Levels
All Students ELA 81.6 1,397 102.9 91 104.8 121.6 160.8 N 200 2 2
Math 85.9 1,399 108.2 95.1 107.3 123.5 161.8 200 3 2
American Indian or Alaska Native ELA 5
Math 5
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander ELA 136.2 41 173.2 141.4 157 164.4 182.2 200 4 3
Math 145.7 41 176.8 150.1 174.1 178.7 189.4 200 3 3
Black or African American ELA 61.9 53 101.9 72.9 98.3 116.1 158.1 200 3 3
Math 54.3 53 82.1 65.9 88 107.4 153.7 Y 200 3 3
Hispanic or Latino ELA 60.8 142 87.7 72 95.4 113.4 156.7 N 200 2 2
Math 66.8 143 79.4 77.4 91.7 110.5 155.3 N 200 2 2
Multiracial ELA 90 79 116.5 98.8 101.9 118.7 159.4 200 3 3
Math 102 79 120.9 109.8 103.5 120.3 160.2 200 4 3
White ELA 82.9 1,101 102.7 92.3 102.2 119.4 159.7 200 3 3
Math 87.4 1,102 110.7 96.4 110.2 125.8 162.9 200 3 3
English Language Learners ELA 30 58 53.4 43.6 66.6 89.8 144.9 N 200 2 1
Math 48.3 59 49.2 60.5 83 103.2 151.6 N 200 1 1
Students with Disabilities ELA 32.6 262 35.5 46 60.5 84.5 142.3 N 200 1 1
Math 33 262 37.2 46.4 60.5 84.5 142.3 N 200 1 1
Economically Disadvantaged ELA 63.3 666 78.6 74.3 95.3 113.3 156.7 N 200 2 2
Math 65.9 667 76.8 76.7 94 112.4 156.2 N 200 2 2
Subgroup Baseline Students Enrolled Students Chronically Absent Chronic Absenteeism Rate District MIP State MIP Long-Term Goal Exceed Long-Term Goal Met SH Target Met AG Target End Goal Level
All Students 0 1,991 210 10.5% 0% 14.6% 12.8% 8.9% 5% 3
American Indian or Alaska Native 7
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 6.7 55 3 5.5% 6.6% 8.2% 7.4% 6.2% 5% 4
Black or African American 0 78 14 17.9% 0% 20.1% 17.7% 11.4% N 5% 2
Hispanic or Latino 0 208 33 15.9% 0% 19.8% 17% 11% 5% 3
Multiracial 0 120 16 13.3% 0% 16.5% 14.5% 9.8% 5% 3
White 0 1,556 146 9.4% 0% 10.5% 9.3% 7.2% Y 5% 3
English Language Learners 0 53 7 13.2% 0% 17.6% 15.2% 10.1% 5% 3
Students with Disabilities 0 360 66 18.3% 0% 21.5% 18.5% 11.8% 5% 3
Economically Disadvantaged 0 981 159 16.2% 0% 19.9% 17.1% 11.1% 5% 3
Subgroup Tested 95% In Current Year Or 2 Years Combined Current Year Enrollment Current Year Participation Rate Current Year + Previous Year Enrollment Current Year + Previous Year Participation Rate
All Students 1,493 74.2% 2,977 71.9%
American Indian or Alaska Native 3
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 21
Black or African American 57 75.4% 110 71.8%
Hispanic or Latino 150 73.3% 283 72.8%
Multiracial 92 78.3% 174 74.7%
White 1,170 73.5% 2,362 71.1%
English Language Learners 28
Students with Disabilities 273 64.5% 518 63.5%
Economically Disadvantaged 717 70.4% 1,405 68.6%
ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE Mathematics Participation Rate
Subgroup Tested 95% In Current Year Or 2 Years Combined Current Year Enrollment Current Year Participation Rate Current Year + Previous Year Enrollment Current Year + Previous Year Participation Rate
All Students 1,496 72.9% 2,986 71.7%
American Indian or Alaska Native 3
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 21
Black or African American 57 71.9% 110 68.2%
Hispanic or Latino 151 69.5% 284 71.1%
Multiracial 93 73.1% 175 73.1%
White 1,171 72.9% 2,368 71.4%
English Language Learners 28
Students with Disabilities 273 61.2% 520 61.9%
Economically Disadvantaged 718 66.9% 1,409 66.4%
Subgroup Status Made Progress
All Students Good Standing NA
Black or African American Good Standing NA
Hispanic or Latino Good Standing NA
Multiracial Good Standing NA
White Good Standing NA
Students with Disabilities Good Standing NA
Economically Disadvantaged Good Standing NA
SECONDARY Indicator Levels
Subgroup Composite Performance Graduation Rate Composite Performance & Graduation Rate Combined English Language Proficiency (ELP) Progress Chronic Absenteeism College, Career, & Civic Readiness (CCCR)
All Students 3 3 3 1 3 3
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Black or African American 2 4 3 4 3
Hispanic or Latino 2 4 3 1 3 3
Multiracial 3 3 3
White 3 2 2 1 3 2
English Language Learners
Students with Disabilities 2 2 2 1 3 1
Economically Disadvantaged 2 3 2 2 3 2
SECONDARY Composite Performance
Subgroup Subject Cohort Index Combined Index Level
All Students HS ELA 244 180.7 182.8 3
HS Math 244 148 182.8 3
HS Science 244 215.2 182.8 3
HS Social Studies 244 228.7 182.8 3
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander HS ELA 6 191.7
HS Math 6 183.3
HS Science 6 233.3
HS Social Studies 6 250
Black or African American HS ELA 23 167.4 165.9 2
HS Math 23 123.9 165.9 2
HS Science 23 202.2 165.9 2
HS Social Studies 23 215.2 165.9 2
Hispanic or Latino HS ELA 42 166.7 159.3 2
HS Math 42 113.1 159.3 2
HS Science 42 191.7 159.3 2
HS Social Studies 42 210.7 159.3 2
Multiracial HS ELA 15 183.3 185.5 3
HS Math 15 146.7 185.5 3
HS Science 15 223.3 185.5 3
HS Social Studies 15 233.3 185.5 3
White HS ELA 192 184.6 186.4 3
HS Math 192 150.5 186.4 3
HS Science 192 220.1 186.4 3
HS Social Studies 192 232 186.4 3
English Language Learners HS ELA 4
HS Math 4
HS Science 4
HS Social Studies 4
Students with Disabilities HS ELA 30 85 107.2 2
HS Math 30 76.7 107.2 2
HS Science 30 153.3 107.2 2
HS Social Studies 30 173.3 107.2 2
Economically Disadvantaged HS ELA 102 153.4 163.8 2
HS Math 102 129.9 163.8 2
HS Science 102 202 163.8 2
HS Social Studies 102 220.1 163.8 2
Subgroup Cohort Baseline Number In Cohort Grad Rate District MIP State MIP Long-Term Goal Exceed Long-Term Goal Met SH Target Met AG Target End Goal Level By Cohort Level By Subgroup
All Students 4-Year 90.1% 295 85.8% 90.5% 82.8% 85% 90% 95% 3 3
5-Year 94.5% 281 89.7% 94.7% 85% 86.8% 91.4% 96% 3 3
6-Year 91.3% 313 93.3% 91.7% 85.1% 87.3% 92.2% 97% 4 3
American Indian or Alaska Native 4-Year 1
5-Year 0
6-Year 0
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 4-Year 7
5-Year 7
6-Year 6
Black or African American 4-Year 97.1% 28 89.3% 95% 73.3% 77.3% 86.2% 95% 4 4
5-Year 94.6% 33 87.9% 94.8% 76.7% 80.3% 88.2% 96% 3 4
6-Year 90.7% 35 94.3% 91.3% 76.9% 80.3% 88.7% 97% 4 4
Hispanic or Latino 4-Year 76.9% 34 79.4% 78.3% 73.2% 76.8% 85.9% 95% 4 4
5-Year 79.4% 36 83.3% 80.8% 75.7% 79.1% 87.6% 96% 4 4
6-Year 86.7% 39 82.1% 87.5% 76.1% 79.7% 88.4% 97% 3 4
Multiracial 4-Year 12
5-Year 16 87.5%
6-Year 14
White 4-Year 91.2% 256 85.2% 91.6% 90.2% 91% 93% N 95% 1 2
5-Year 95.5% 240 90.4% 95.5% 91.5% 92.3% 94.2% N 96% 1 2
6-Year 91.5% 262 94.3% 91.9% 91.2% 92.4% 94.7% 97% 4 2
English Language Learners 4-Year 4
5-Year 6
6-Year 4
Students with Disabilities 4-Year 64.4% 45 60% 66.8% 59.7% 66.1% 80.6% N 95% 2 2
5-Year 73.2% 39 66.7% 75% 63% 69% 82.5% N 96% 2 2
6-Year 70% 44 70.5% 72.2% 61.4% 67.8% 82.4% 97% 3 2
Economically Disadvantaged 4-Year 82.5% 125 77.6% 83.5% 76.9% 79.9% 87.5% N 95% 2 3
5-Year 91.8% 123 81.3% 92.2% 80.4% 83% 89.5% N 96% 2 3
6-Year 84.6% 125 87.2% 85.6% 80.7% 83.5% 90.3% 97% 4 3
SECONDARY Composite Performance & Graduation Rate Combined
Subgroup Level
All Students 3
Black or African American 3
Hispanic or Latino 3
Multiracial 3
White 2
Students with Disabilities 2
Economically Disadvantaged 2
Subgroup Number Of ELLs Benchmark Progress Rate Success Ratio Level
All Students 5
American Indian or Alaska Native 0
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0
Black or African American 0
Hispanic or Latino 3
Multiracial 0
White 2
English Language Learners 5
Students with Disabilities 2
Economically Disadvantaged 5
Subgroup Subject Baseline Cohort Index District MIP State MIP Long-Term Goal Exceed Long-Term Goal Met SH Target Met AG Target End Goal Level Average Of Levels
All Students ELA 199.8 244 180.7 201 190.5 193.6 204.3 N 215 1 1
Math 147.9 244 148 152.1 151.2 157.6 178.8 Y 200 2 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander ELA 6
Math 6
Black or African American ELA 23
Math 23
Hispanic or Latino ELA 169.1 42 166.7 172.7 165.5 172 193.5 N 215 2 1
Math 135.3 42 113.1 140.5 124 133.9 167 N 200 1 1
Multiracial ELA 15
Math 15
White ELA 200.9 192 184.6 202.1 208.1 209 212 N 215 1 1
Math 150 192 150.5 154 167.8 172 186 Y 200 2 1
English Language Learners ELA 4
Math 4
Students with Disabilities ELA 108.3 30 85 116.9 120.4 132.8 173.9 N 215 1 1
Math 79.2 30 76.7 88.8 90.8 105 152.5 N 200 1 1
Economically Disadvantaged ELA 179.3 102 153.4 182.1 170.7 176.5 195.8 N 215 1 2
Math 123.9 102 129.9 129.9 130.9 139.9 170 Y 200 3 2
Subgroup Baseline Students Enrolled Students Chronically Absent Chronic Absenteeism Rate District MIP State MIP Long-Term Goal Exceed Long-Term Goal Met SH Target Met AG Target End Goal Level
All Students 0 1,068 151 14.1% 0% 22.6% 19.8% 12.4% 5% 3
American Indian or Alaska Native 5
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 25
Black or African American 0 50 5 10% 0% 31.5% 27.1% 16.1% 5% 4
Hispanic or Latino 0 93 20 21.5% 0% 31.6% 27.2% 16.1% 5% 3
Multiracial 0 49 8 16.3% 0% 23.1% 20.1% 12.6% 5% 3
White 0 862 118 13.7% 0% 15.6% 14% 9.5% 5% 3
English Language Learners 16
Students with Disabilities 0 156 33 21.2% 0% 32.8% 28% 16.5% 5% 3
Economically Disadvantaged 0 431 103 23.9% 0% 30.2% 25.8% 15.4% 5% 3
Subgroup Baseline Index District MIP State MIP Long-Term Goal Exceed Long-Term Goal Met SH Target Met AG Target End Goal Level
All Students 146.8 143.8 149 130.2 137.8 156.4 175 3
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Black or African American 134.4 120 137.6 101.2 114 144.5 175 3
Hispanic or Latino 118.9 118.5 123.3 104.5 116.5 145.8 175 3
White 149.4 148.8 151.4 149.7 154.1 164.6 Y 175 2
English Language Learners
Students with Disabilities 82.1 59 89.5 76.5 93.5 134.3 N 175 1
Economically Disadvantaged 123.4 116.7 127.6 112.9 123.7 149.4 N 175 2
Subgroup Cohort Count Annual Biliteracy 2.0 Weight 1.5 Weight 1.0 Weight 0.5 Weight 0.0 Weight
All Students 264 0 151 14 54 5 40
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 6 0
Black or African American 30 0 10 3 11 1 5
Hispanic or Latino 46 0 16 5 15 0 10
Multiracial 15 0
White 205 0 126 8 39 4 28
English Language Learners 4 0
Students with Disabilities 39 0 4 1 12 3 19
Economically Disadvantaged 117 0 44 7 36 4 26
SECONDARY ELA Participation Rate
Subgroup Tested 95% In Current Year Or 2 Years Combined Current Year 12th Grade Enrollment Current Year Participation Rate Current Year + Previous Year 12th Grade Enrollment Current Year + Previous Year Participation Rate
All Students 264 99.6% 536 99.6%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 3
Black or African American 15
Hispanic or Latino 31
Multiracial 10
White 205 99.5% 442 99.6%
English Language Learners 1
Students with Disabilities 28
Economically Disadvantaged 115 100% 222 100%
SECONDARY Mathematics Participation Rate
Subgroup Tested 95% In Current Year Or 2 Years Combined Current Year 12th Grade Enrollment Current Year Participation Rate Current Year + Previous Year 12th Grade Enrollment Current Year + Previous Year Participation Rate
All Students 264 99.2% 536 99.4%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 3
Black or African American 15
Hispanic or Latino 31
Multiracial 10
White 205 99.5% 442 99.6%
English Language Learners 1
Students with Disabilities 28
Economically Disadvantaged 115 100% 222 100%

Grades 3-8 English Language Arts Summary Results (2018-19)

Grade Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
Grade 3 29 213 15 7% 85 40% 104 49% 9 4% 113 53%
Grade 4 63 181 27 15% 63 35% 71 39% 20 11% 91 50%
Grade 5 48 177 51 29% 47 27% 51 29% 28 16% 79 45%
Grade 6 88 182 60 33% 53 29% 27 15% 42 23% 69 38%
Grade 7 91 177 51 29% 50 28% 53 30% 23 13% 76 43%
Grade 8 77 170 30 18% 74 44% 30 18% 36 21% 66 39%
Grades 3-8 396 1,100 234 21% 372 34% 336 31% 158 14% 494 45%

Grade 3 ELA Results

Mean Score: 600
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 29 213 15 7% 85 40% 104 49% 9 4% 113 53%
General Education 20 189 8 4% 71 38% 101 53% 9 5% 110 58%
Students with Disabilities 9 24 7 29% 14 58% 3 13% 0 0% 3 13%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0 3
Black or African American 0 6
Hispanic or Latino 4 19 1 5% 6 32% 11 58% 1 5% 12 63%
White 24 168 13 8% 71 42% 77 46% 7 4% 84 50%
Multiracial 1 16 0 0% 4 25% 11 69% 1 6% 12 75%
Small Group Total 0 10 1 10% 4 40% 5 50% 0 0% 5 50%
Female 15 104 11 11% 39 38% 46 44% 8 8% 54 52%
Male 14 109 4 4% 46 42% 58 53% 1 1% 59 54%
English Language Learners 0 5 1 20% 2 40% 2 40% 0 0% 2 40%
Non-English Language Learners 29 208 14 7% 83 40% 102 49% 9 4% 111 53%
Economically Disadvantaged 12 107 11 10% 48 45% 46 43% 2 2% 48 45%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 17 106 4 4% 37 35% 58 55% 7 7% 65 61%
Not Migrant 29 213 15 7% 85 40% 104 49% 9 4% 113 53%
Homeless 1 7 1 14% 4 57% 2 29% 0 0% 2 29%
Not Homeless 28 206 14 7% 81 39% 102 50% 9 4% 111 54%
Not in Foster Care 29 213 15 7% 85 40% 104 49% 9 4% 113 53%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 29 213 15 7% 85 40% 104 49% 9 4% 113 53%

Grade 4 ELA Results

Mean Score: 599
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 63 181 27 15% 63 35% 71 39% 20 11% 91 50%
General Education 45 154 14 9% 53 34% 67 44% 20 13% 87 56%
Students with Disabilities 18 27 13 48% 10 37% 4 15% 0 0% 4 15%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0 2
Black or African American 2 9
Hispanic or Latino 6 18 3 17% 12 67% 3 17% 0 0% 3 17%
White 52 141 21 15% 43 30% 61 43% 16 11% 77 55%
Multiracial 3 10 3 30% 3 30% 2 20% 2 20% 4 40%
Small Group Total 2 12 0 0% 5 42% 5 42% 2 17% 7 58%
Female 35 84 11 13% 27 32% 33 39% 13 15% 46 55%
Male 28 97 16 16% 36 37% 38 39% 7 7% 45 46%
English Language Learners 4 7 3 43% 3 43% 1 14% 0 0% 1 14%
Non-English Language Learners 59 174 24 14% 60 34% 70 40% 20 11% 90 52%
Economically Disadvantaged 37 83 22 27% 32 39% 23 28% 6 7% 29 35%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 26 98 5 5% 31 32% 48 49% 14 14% 62 63%
Migrant 0 1
Not Migrant 63 180
Homeless 0 2
Not Homeless 63 179
Not in Foster Care 63 181 27 15% 63 35% 71 39% 20 11% 91 50%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 63 181 27 15% 63 35% 71 39% 20 11% 91 50%

Grade 5 ELA Results

Mean Score: 602
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 48 177 51 29% 47 27% 51 29% 28 16% 79 45%
General Education 32 149 30 20% 40 27% 51 34% 28 19% 79 53%
Students with Disabilities 16 28 21 75% 7 25% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0 2
Black or African American 3 3
Hispanic or Latino 5 22 6 27% 7 32% 7 32% 2 9% 9 41%
White 38 141 42 30% 35 25% 43 30% 21 15% 64 45%
Multiracial 2 8 2 25% 3 38% 1 13% 2 25% 3 38%
Small Group Total 3 6 1 17% 2 33% 0 0% 3 50% 3 50%
Female 24 82 22 27% 19 23% 27 33% 14 17% 41 50%
Male 24 95 29 31% 28 29% 24 25% 14 15% 38 40%
English Language Learners 0 2
Non-English Language Learners 48 175
Economically Disadvantaged 22 75 34 45% 19 25% 14 19% 8 11% 22 29%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 26 102 17 17% 28 27% 37 36% 20 20% 57 56%
Not Migrant 48 177 51 29% 47 27% 51 29% 28 16% 79 45%
Homeless 2 3
Not Homeless 46 174
Not in Foster Care 48 177 51 29% 47 27% 51 29% 28 16% 79 45%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 48 177 51 29% 47 27% 51 29% 28 16% 79 45%

Grade 6 ELA Results

Mean Score: 595
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 88 182 60 33% 53 29% 27 15% 42 23% 69 38%
General Education 71 150 33 22% 48 32% 27 18% 42 28% 69 46%
Students with Disabilities 17 32 27 84% 5 16% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 1 2
Black or African American 3 8
Hispanic or Latino 11 14 5 36% 6 43% 1 7% 2 14% 3 21%
White 70 144 46 32% 40 28% 24 17% 34 24% 58 40%
Multiracial 3 14 8 57% 3 21% 1 7% 2 14% 3 21%
Small Group Total 4 10 1 10% 4 40% 1 10% 4 40% 5 50%
Female 46 95 26 27% 27 28% 17 18% 25 26% 42 44%
Male 42 87 34 39% 26 30% 10 11% 17 20% 27 31%
English Language Learners 1 2
Non-English Language Learners 87 180
Economically Disadvantaged 48 81 34 42% 24 30% 8 10% 15 19% 23 28%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 40 101 26 26% 29 29% 19 19% 27 27% 46 46%
Not Migrant 88 182 60 33% 53 29% 27 15% 42 23% 69 38%
Homeless 0 1
Not Homeless 88 181
Not in Foster Care 88 182 60 33% 53 29% 27 15% 42 23% 69 38%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 88 182 60 33% 53 29% 27 15% 42 23% 69 38%

Grade 7 ELA Results

Mean Score: 600
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 91 177 51 29% 50 28% 53 30% 23 13% 76 43%
General Education 73 145 24 17% 45 31% 53 37% 23 16% 76 52%
Students with Disabilities 18 32 27 84% 5 16% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0 5 2 40% 0 0% 2 40% 1 20% 3 60%
Black or African American 3 9 1 11% 4 44% 4 44% 0 0% 4 44%
Hispanic or Latino 10 23 7 30% 10 43% 4 17% 2 9% 6 26%
White 74 129 38 29% 35 27% 39 30% 17 13% 56 43%
Multiracial 4 11 3 27% 1 9% 4 36% 3 27% 7 64%
Female 46 91 12 13% 29 32% 35 38% 15 16% 50 55%
Male 45 86 39 45% 21 24% 18 21% 8 9% 26 30%
English Language Learners 2 4
Non-English Language Learners 89 173
Economically Disadvantaged 56 85 31 36% 30 35% 19 22% 5 6% 24 28%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 35 92 20 22% 20 22% 34 37% 18 20% 52 57%
Not Migrant 91 177 51 29% 50 28% 53 30% 23 13% 76 43%
Homeless 1 3
Not Homeless 90 174
Not in Foster Care 91 177 51 29% 50 28% 53 30% 23 13% 76 43%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 91 177 51 29% 50 28% 53 30% 23 13% 76 43%

Grade 8 ELA Results

Mean Score: 598
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 77 170 30 18% 74 44% 30 18% 36 21% 66 39%
General Education 50 145 21 14% 58 40% 30 21% 36 25% 66 46%
Students with Disabilities 27 25 9 36% 16 64% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0 6 1 17% 1 17% 2 33% 2 33% 4 67%
Black or African American 4 7 4 57% 3 43% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Hispanic or Latino 6 13 3 23% 7 54% 1 8% 2 15% 3 23%
White 57 134 21 16% 60 45% 23 17% 30 22% 53 40%
Multiracial 10 10 1 10% 3 30% 4 40% 2 20% 6 60%
Female 43 69 9 13% 27 39% 12 17% 21 30% 33 48%
Male 34 101 21 21% 47 47% 18 18% 15 15% 33 33%
English Language Learners 0 1
Non-English Language Learners 77 169
Economically Disadvantaged 46 67 23 34% 33 49% 6 9% 5 7% 11 16%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 31 103 7 7% 41 40% 24 23% 31 30% 55 53%
Migrant 0 1
Not Migrant 77 169
Homeless 0 2
Not Homeless 77 168
Not in Foster Care 77 170 30 18% 74 44% 30 18% 36 21% 66 39%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 77 170 30 18% 74 44% 30 18% 36 21% 66 39%

Grades 3-8 Mathematics Summary Results (2018-19)

Grade Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 & Above Proficient
(Levels 3 & Above)
# % # % # % # % # %
Grade 3 35 208 37 18% 56 27% 71 34% 44 21% 115 55%
Grade 4 61 183 22 12% 52 28% 46 25% 63 34% 109 60%
Grade 5 53 173 40 23% 46 27% 43 25% 44 25% 87 50%
Grade 6 95 175 44 25% 58 33% 40 23% 33 19% 73 42%
Grade 7 97 171 48 28% 55 32% 37 22% 31 18% 68 40%
Regents 7 1
Combined 7 97 172
Grade 8 137 110 45 41% 37 34% 24 22% 4 4% 28 25%
Regents 8 62 0 0% 0 0% 3 5% 59 95% 62 100%
Combined 8 137 172 45 26% 37 22% 27 16% 63 37% 90 52%
Grades 3-8 478 1,083

Grade 3 Math Results

Mean Score: 601
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 35 208 37 18% 56 27% 71 34% 44 21% 115 55%
General Education 26 184 23 13% 47 26% 70 38% 44 24% 114 62%
Students with Disabilities 9 24 14 58% 9 38% 1 4% 0 0% 1 4%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0 3
Black or African American 0 6
Hispanic or Latino 6 17 2 12% 4 24% 5 29% 6 35% 11 65%
White 28 165 32 19% 47 28% 53 32% 33 20% 86 52%
Multiracial 1 16 1 6% 2 13% 10 63% 3 19% 13 81%
Small Group Total 0 10 2 20% 3 30% 3 30% 2 20% 5 50%
Female 20 100 23 23% 33 33% 30 30% 14 14% 44 44%
Male 15 108 14 13% 23 21% 41 38% 30 28% 71 66%
English Language Learners 0 5 1 20% 3 60% 1 20% 0 0% 1 20%
Non-English Language Learners 35 203 36 18% 53 26% 70 34% 44 22% 114 56%
Economically Disadvantaged 18 102 24 24% 34 33% 29 28% 15 15% 44 43%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 17 106 13 12% 22 21% 42 40% 29 27% 71 67%
Not Migrant 35 208 37 18% 56 27% 71 34% 44 21% 115 55%
Homeless 2 6 3 50% 1 17% 2 33% 0 0% 2 33%
Not Homeless 33 202 34 17% 55 27% 69 34% 44 22% 113 56%
Not in Foster Care 35 208 37 18% 56 27% 71 34% 44 21% 115 55%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 35 208 37 18% 56 27% 71 34% 44 21% 115 55%

Grade 4 Math Results

Mean Score: 605
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 61 183 22 12% 52 28% 46 25% 63 34% 109 60%
General Education 45 154 13 8% 38 25% 44 29% 59 38% 103 67%
Students with Disabilities 16 29 9 31% 14 48% 2 7% 4 14% 6 21%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0 2
Black or African American 2 9
Hispanic or Latino 5 19 8 42% 5 26% 2 11% 4 21% 6 32%
White 51 142 13 9% 39 27% 38 27% 52 37% 90 63%
Multiracial 3 10 1 10% 3 30% 1 10% 5 50% 6 60%
Small Group Total 2 12 0 0% 5 42% 5 42% 2 17% 7 58%
Female 35 84 14 17% 27 32% 16 19% 27 32% 43 51%
Male 26 99 8 8% 25 25% 30 30% 36 36% 66 67%
English Language Learners 3 8 6 75% 1 13% 1 13% 0 0% 1 13%
Non-English Language Learners 58 175 16 9% 51 29% 45 26% 63 36% 108 62%
Economically Disadvantaged 39 81 18 22% 28 35% 16 20% 19 23% 35 43%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 22 102 4 4% 24 24% 30 29% 44 43% 74 73%
Migrant 0 1
Not Migrant 61 182
Homeless 0 2
Not Homeless 61 181
Not in Foster Care 61 183 22 12% 52 28% 46 25% 63 34% 109 60%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 61 183 22 12% 52 28% 46 25% 63 34% 109 60%

Grade 5 Math Results

Mean Score: 603
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 53 173 40 23% 46 27% 43 25% 44 25% 87 50%
General Education 34 148 27 18% 40 27% 38 26% 43 29% 81 55%
Students with Disabilities 19 25 13 52% 6 24% 5 20% 1 4% 6 24%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0 2
Black or African American 3 3
Hispanic or Latino 6 21 6 29% 5 24% 5 24% 5 24% 10 48%
White 42 137 31 23% 35 26% 37 27% 34 25% 71 52%
Multiracial 2 9 3 33% 3 33% 0 0% 3 33% 3 33%
Small Group Total 3 6 0 0% 3 50% 1 17% 2 33% 3 50%
Female 26 81 24 30% 19 23% 22 27% 16 20% 38 47%
Male 27 92 16 17% 27 29% 21 23% 28 30% 49 53%
English Language Learners 0 2
Non-English Language Learners 53 171
Economically Disadvantaged 24 73 26 36% 22 30% 16 22% 9 12% 25 34%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 29 100 14 14% 24 24% 27 27% 35 35% 62 62%
Not Migrant 53 173 40 23% 46 27% 43 25% 44 25% 87 50%
Homeless 2 3
Not Homeless 51 170
Not in Foster Care 53 173 40 23% 46 27% 43 25% 44 25% 87 50%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 53 173 40 23% 46 27% 43 25% 44 25% 87 50%

Grade 6 Math Results

Mean Score: 599
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 95 175 44 25% 58 33% 40 23% 33 19% 73 42%
General Education 76 145 20 14% 53 37% 39 27% 33 23% 72 50%
Students with Disabilities 19 30 24 80% 5 17% 1 3% 0 0% 1 3%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 1 2
Black or African American 3 8
Hispanic or Latino 13 12 4 33% 7 58% 0 0% 1 8% 1 8%
White 75 139 33 24% 43 31% 34 24% 29 21% 63 45%
Multiracial 3 14 5 36% 4 29% 2 14% 3 21% 5 36%
Small Group Total 4 10 2 20% 4 40% 4 40% 0 0% 4 40%
Female 54 87 25 29% 27 31% 18 21% 17 20% 35 40%
Male 41 88 19 22% 31 35% 22 25% 16 18% 38 43%
English Language Learners 1 2
Non-English Language Learners 94 173
Economically Disadvantaged 55 74 26 35% 27 36% 13 18% 8 11% 21 28%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 40 101 18 18% 31 31% 27 27% 25 25% 52 51%
Not Migrant 95 175 44 25% 58 33% 40 23% 33 19% 73 42%
Homeless 0 1
Not Homeless 95 174
Not in Foster Care 95 175 44 25% 58 33% 40 23% 33 19% 73 42%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 95 175 44 25% 58 33% 40 23% 33 19% 73 42%

Grade 7 Math Results

Mean Score: 600
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 97 171 48 28% 55 32% 37 22% 31 18% 68 40%
General Education 76 142 22 15% 52 37% 37 26% 31 22% 68 48%
Students with Disabilities 21 29 26 90% 3 10% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0 5 1 20% 1 20% 1 20% 2 40% 3 60%
Black or African American 3 9 4 44% 3 33% 2 22% 0 0% 2 22%
Hispanic or Latino 10 23 12 52% 5 22% 4 17% 2 9% 6 26%
White 78 125 29 23% 44 35% 26 21% 26 21% 52 42%
Multiracial 6 9 2 22% 2 22% 4 44% 1 11% 5 56%
Female 50 87 22 25% 32 37% 18 21% 15 17% 33 38%
Male 47 84 26 31% 23 27% 19 23% 16 19% 35 42%
English Language Learners 1 5 3 60% 2 40% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Non-English Language Learners 96 166 45 27% 53 32% 37 22% 31 19% 68 41%
Economically Disadvantaged 60 81 35 43% 25 31% 16 20% 5 6% 21 26%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 37 90 13 14% 30 33% 21 23% 26 29% 47 52%
Not Migrant 97 171 48 28% 55 32% 37 22% 31 18% 68 40%
Homeless 1 3
Not Homeless 96 168
Not in Foster Care 97 171 48 28% 55 32% 37 22% 31 18% 68 40%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 97 171 48 28% 55 32% 37 22% 31 18% 68 40%

Grade 8 Math Results

Mean Score: 599
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 137 110 45 41% 37 34% 24 22% 4 4% 28 25%
General Education 107 88 28 32% 34 39% 22 25% 4 5% 26 30%
Students with Disabilities 30 22 17 77% 3 14% 2 9% 0 0% 2 9%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 5 1
Black or African American 6 5
Hispanic or Latino 9 10 5 50% 4 40% 1 10% 0 0% 1 10%
White 100 91 35 38% 30 33% 22 24% 4 4% 26 29%
Multiracial 17 3
Small Group Total 28 9 5 56% 3 33% 1 11% 0 0% 1 11%
Female 69 43 20 47% 12 28% 11 26% 0 0% 11 26%
Male 68 67 25 37% 25 37% 13 19% 4 6% 17 25%
English Language Learners 0 1
Non-English Language Learners 137 109
Economically Disadvantaged 61 52 27 52% 17 33% 8 15% 0 0% 8 15%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 76 58 18 31% 20 34% 16 28% 4 7% 20 34%
Migrant 0 1
Not Migrant 137 109
Homeless 0 2
Not Homeless 137 108
Not in Foster Care 137 110 45 41% 37 34% 24 22% 4 4% 28 25%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 137 110 45 41% 37 34% 24 22% 4 4% 28 25%

Grades 4 & 8 Science Summary Results (2018-19)

Grade Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
Grade 4 56 188 3 2% 13 7% 72 38% 100 53% 172 91%
Grade 8 119 128 4 3% 31 24% 63 49% 30 23% 93 73%
Regents 8 64 0 0% 0 0% 1 2% 63 98% 64 100%
Combined 8 119 192 4 2% 31 16% 64 33% 93 48% 157 82%
Grades 4&8 175 380 7 2% 44 12% 136 36% 193 51% 329 87%

Grade 4 SCIENCE Results

Mean Score: 82
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 56 188 3 2% 13 7% 72 38% 100 53% 172 91%
General Education 37 162 1 1% 9 6% 57 35% 95 59% 152 94%
Students with Disabilities 19 26 2 8% 4 15% 15 58% 5 19% 20 77%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 1 1
Black or African American 1 10
Hispanic or Latino 6 18 0 0% 6 33% 8 44% 4 22% 12 67%
White 46 147 3 2% 4 3% 57 39% 83 56% 140 95%
Multiracial 2 11 0 0% 3 27% 3 27% 5 45% 8 73%
Small Group Total 2 12 0 0% 0 0% 4 33% 8 67% 12 100%
Female 30 89 0 0% 10 11% 33 37% 46 52% 79 89%
Male 26 99 3 3% 3 3% 39 39% 54 55% 93 94%
English Language Learners 4 7 0 0% 6 86% 1 14% 0 0% 1 14%
Non-English Language Learners 52 181 3 2% 7 4% 71 39% 100 55% 171 94%
Economically Disadvantaged 38 82 2 2% 11 13% 42 51% 27 33% 69 84%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 18 106 1 1% 2 2% 30 28% 73 69% 103 97%
Migrant 0 1
Not Migrant 56 187
Homeless 0 2
Not Homeless 56 186
Not in Foster Care 56 188 3 2% 13 7% 72 38% 100 53% 172 91%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 56 188 3 2% 13 7% 72 38% 100 53% 172 91%

Grade 8 SCIENCE Results

Mean Score: 73
Subgroup Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 119 128 4 3% 31 24% 63 49% 30 23% 93 73%
General Education 92 103 1 1% 20 19% 53 51% 29 28% 82 80%
Students with Disabilities 27 25 3 12% 11 44% 10 40% 1 4% 11 44%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 4 2
Black or African American 4 7 0 0% 3 43% 4 57% 0 0% 4 57%
Hispanic or Latino 4 15 0 0% 4 27% 8 53% 3 20% 11 73%
White 94 97 2 2% 23 24% 45 46% 27 28% 72 74%
Multiracial 13 7
Small Group Total 17 9 2 22% 1 11% 6 67% 0 0% 6 67%
Female 62 50 1 2% 19 38% 25 50% 5 10% 30 60%
Male 57 78 3 4% 12 15% 38 49% 25 32% 63 81%
English Language Learners 0 1
Non-English Language Learners 119 127
Economically Disadvantaged 49 64 4 6% 22 34% 31 48% 7 11% 38 59%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 70 64 0 0% 9 14% 32 50% 23 36% 55 86%
Migrant 0 1
Not Migrant 119 127
Homeless 0 2
Not Homeless 119 126
Not in Foster Care 119 128 4 3% 31 24% 63 49% 30 23% 93 73%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 119 128 4 3% 31 24% 63 49% 30 23% 93 73%

Annual Regents examination results include those from August, January, and June of the reporting year. If a student takes the same Regents examination multiple times during the reporting year, only the highest score is included in these results.


Subgroup Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Proficient
(Levels 3 & Above)
# % # % # % # % # % # %
All Students 301 16 5% 24 8% 71 24% 57 19% 133 44% 261 87%
General Education 257 7 3% 12 5% 54 21% 54 21% 130 51% 238 93%
Students with Disabilities 44 9 20% 12 27% 17 39% 3 7% 3 7% 23 52%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 2
Black or African American 16 2 13% 1 6% 4 25% 2 13% 7 44% 13 81%
Hispanic or Latino 32 1 3% 4 13% 13 41% 1 3% 13 41% 27 84%
White 239 13 5% 16 7% 53 22% 51 21% 106 44% 210 88%
Multiracial 11
Small Group Total 14 0 0% 3 21% 1 7% 3 21% 7 50% 11 79%
Female 140 6 4% 10 7% 31 22% 24 17% 69 49% 124 89%
Male 161 10 6% 14 9% 40 25% 33 20% 64 40% 137 85%
English Language Learners 1
Non-English Language Learners 300
Economically Disadvantaged 111 9 8% 17 15% 38 34% 19 17% 28 25% 85 77%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 190 7 4% 7 4% 33 17% 38 20% 105 55% 176 93%
Not Migrant 301 16 5% 24 8% 71 24% 57 19% 133 44% 261 87%
Homeless 6 0 0% 1 17% 1 17% 2 33% 2 33% 5 83%
Not Homeless 295 16 5% 23 8% 70 24% 55 19% 131 44% 256 87%
Not in Foster Care 301 16 5% 24 8% 71 24% 57 19% 133 44% 261 87%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 301 16 5% 24 8% 71 24% 57 19% 133 44% 261 87%


Subgroup Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Proficient
(Levels 3 & Above)
# % # % # % # % # % # %
All Students 240 11 5% 14 6% 78 33% 71 30% 66 28% 215 90%
General Education 202 2 1% 4 2% 64 32% 66 33% 66 33% 196 97%
Students with Disabilities 38 9 24% 10 26% 14 37% 5 13% 0 0% 19 50%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 7
Black or African American 4
Hispanic or Latino 21 1 5% 3 14% 10 48% 5 24% 2 10% 17 81%
White 194 9 5% 10 5% 62 32% 60 31% 53 27% 175 90%
Multiracial 14 0 0% 1 7% 5 36% 3 21% 5 36% 13 93%
Small Group Total 11 1 9% 0 0% 1 9% 3 27% 6 55% 10 91%
Female 115 1 1% 5 4% 36 31% 31 27% 42 37% 109 95%
Male 125 10 8% 9 7% 42 34% 40 32% 24 19% 106 85%
English Language Learners 1
Non-English Language Learners 239
Economically Disadvantaged 90 7 8% 8 9% 41 46% 19 21% 15 17% 75 83%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 150 4 3% 6 4% 37 25% 52 35% 51 34% 140 93%
Migrant 2
Not Migrant 238
Homeless 3
Not Homeless 237
Not in Foster Care 240 11 5% 14 6% 78 33% 71 30% 66 28% 215 90%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 240 11 5% 14 6% 78 33% 71 30% 66 28% 215 90%


Subgroup Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Proficient
(Levels 3 & Above)
# % # % # % # % # % # %
All Students 251 13 5% 34 14% 124 49% 48 19% 32 13% 204 81%
General Education 243 12 5% 32 13% 119 49% 48 20% 32 13% 199 82%
Students with Disabilities 8 1 13% 2 25% 5 63% 0 0% 0 0% 5 63%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 4
Black or African American 5 1 20% 2 40% 2 40% 0 0% 0 0% 2 40%
Hispanic or Latino 15 1 7% 4 27% 6 40% 2 13% 2 13% 10 67%
White 215 9 4% 25 12% 113 53% 44 20% 24 11% 181 84%
Multiracial 11 2 18% 2 18% 3 27% 1 9% 3 27% 7 64%
Small Group Total 5 0 0% 1 20% 0 0% 1 20% 3 60% 4 80%
Female 135 6 4% 16 12% 71 53% 30 22% 12 9% 113 84%
Male 116 7 6% 18 16% 53 46% 18 16% 20 17% 91 78%
Non-English Language Learners 251 13 5% 34 14% 124 49% 48 19% 32 13% 204 81%
Economically Disadvantaged 83 6 7% 17 20% 47 57% 9 11% 4 5% 60 72%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 168 7 4% 17 10% 77 46% 39 23% 28 17% 144 86%
Not Migrant 251 13 5% 34 14% 124 49% 48 19% 32 13% 204 81%
Homeless 1
Not Homeless 250
Not in Foster Care 251 13 5% 34 14% 124 49% 48 19% 32 13% 204 81%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 251 13 5% 34 14% 124 49% 48 19% 32 13% 204 81%


Subgroup Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Proficient
(Levels 3 & Above)
# % # % # % # % # % # %
All Students 196 6 3% 4 2% 76 39% 69 35% 41 21% 186 95%
General Education 194
Students with Disabilities 2
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 3
Black or African American 14
Hispanic or Latino 17 0 0% 0 0% 7 41% 8 47% 2 12% 17 100%
White 146 6 4% 3 2% 57 39% 50 34% 30 21% 137 94%
Multiracial 16 0 0% 1 6% 5 31% 3 19% 7 44% 15 94%
Small Group Total 17 0 0% 0 0% 7 41% 8 47% 2 12% 17 100%
Female 103 4 4% 2 2% 44 43% 31 30% 22 21% 97 94%
Male 93 2 2% 2 2% 32 34% 38 41% 19 20% 89 96%
Non-English Language Learners 196 6 3% 4 2% 76 39% 69 35% 41 21% 186 95%
Economically Disadvantaged 55 5 9% 2 4% 27 49% 11 20% 10 18% 48 87%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 141 1 1% 2 1% 49 35% 58 41% 31 22% 138 98%
Not Migrant 196 6 3% 4 2% 76 39% 69 35% 41 21% 186 95%
Homeless 4
Not Homeless 192
Not in Foster Care 196 6 3% 4 2% 76 39% 69 35% 41 21% 186 95%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 196 6 3% 4 2% 76 39% 69 35% 41 21% 186 95%


Subgroup Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Proficient
(Levels 3 & Above)
# % # % # % # % # % # %
All Students 4
General Education 1
Students with Disabilities 3
White 4
Small Group Total 4
Male 4
Non-English Language Learners 4
Economically Disadvantaged 2
Not Economically Disadvantaged 2
Not Migrant 4
Not Homeless 4
Not in Foster Care 4
Parent Not in Armed Forces 4


Subgroup Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 294 13 4% 19 6% 120 41% 142 48% 262 89%
General Education 248 1 0% 7 3% 100 40% 140 56% 240 97%
Students with Disabilities 46 12 26% 12 26% 20 43% 2 4% 22 48%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 4
Black or African American 10 1 10% 3 30% 4 40% 2 20% 6 60%
Hispanic or Latino 24 2 8% 4 17% 14 58% 4 17% 18 75%
White 241 9 4% 10 4% 97 40% 125 52% 222 92%
Multiracial 14 1 7% 2 14% 4 29% 7 50% 11 79%
Small Group Total 5 0 0% 0 0% 1 20% 4 80% 5 100%
Female 148 7 5% 12 8% 53 36% 76 51% 129 87%
Male 146 6 4% 7 5% 67 46% 66 45% 133 91%
English Language Learners 2
Non-English Language Learners 292
Economically Disadvantaged 124 7 6% 16 13% 65 52% 36 29% 101 81%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 170 6 4% 3 2% 55 32% 106 62% 161 95%
Migrant 1
Not Migrant 293
Homeless 2
Not Homeless 292
Not in Foster Care 294 13 4% 19 6% 120 41% 142 48% 262 89%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 294 13 4% 19 6% 120 41% 142 48% 262 89%


Subgroup Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 228 15 7% 27 12% 79 35% 107 47% 186 82%
General Education 194 9 5% 18 9% 66 34% 101 52% 167 86%
Students with Disabilities 34 6 18% 9 26% 13 38% 6 18% 19 56%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 5 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 5 100% 5 100%
Black or African American 8 0 0% 1 13% 6 75% 1 13% 7 88%
Hispanic or Latino 18 3 17% 2 11% 10 56% 3 17% 13 72%
White 185 11 6% 22 12% 60 32% 92 50% 152 82%
Multiracial 12 1 8% 2 17% 3 25% 6 50% 9 75%
Female 108 6 6% 13 12% 40 37% 49 45% 89 82%
Male 120 9 8% 14 12% 39 33% 58 48% 97 81%
English Language Learners 1
Non-English Language Learners 227
Economically Disadvantaged 85 9 11% 14 16% 36 42% 26 31% 62 73%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 143 6 4% 13 9% 43 30% 81 57% 124 87%
Migrant 1
Not Migrant 227
Homeless 3
Not Homeless 225
Not in Foster Care 228 15 7% 27 12% 79 35% 107 47% 186 82%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 228 15 7% 27 12% 79 35% 107 47% 186 82%


Subgroup Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 182 3 2% 20 11% 104 57% 55 30% 159 87%
General Education 181
Students with Disabilities 1
American Indian or Alaska Native 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 4
Black or African American 11 0 0% 1 9% 6 55% 4 36% 10 91%
Hispanic or Latino 15 0 0% 3 20% 11 73% 1 7% 12 80%
White 141 3 2% 15 11% 80 57% 43 30% 123 87%
Multiracial 10 0 0% 1 10% 3 30% 6 60% 9 90%
Small Group Total 5 0 0% 0 0% 4 80% 1 20% 5 100%
Female 103 3 3% 12 12% 58 56% 30 29% 88 85%
Male 79 0 0% 8 10% 46 58% 25 32% 71 90%
Non-English Language Learners 182 3 2% 20 11% 104 57% 55 30% 159 87%
Economically Disadvantaged 45 1 2% 7 16% 28 62% 9 20% 37 82%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 137 2 1% 13 9% 76 55% 46 34% 122 89%
Not Migrant 182 3 2% 20 11% 104 57% 55 30% 159 87%
Homeless 3
Not Homeless 179
Not in Foster Care 182 3 2% 20 11% 104 57% 55 30% 159 87%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 182 3 2% 20 11% 104 57% 55 30% 159 87%


Subgroup Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 40 2 5% 7 18% 19 48% 12 30% 31 78%
General Education 39
Students with Disabilities 1
Black or African American 1
Hispanic or Latino 6
White 32 2 6% 6 19% 14 44% 10 31% 24 75%
Multiracial 1
Small Group Total 8 0 0% 1 13% 5 63% 2 25% 7 88%
Female 17 1 6% 4 24% 7 41% 5 29% 12 71%
Male 23 1 4% 3 13% 12 52% 7 30% 19 83%
Non-English Language Learners 40 2 5% 7 18% 19 48% 12 30% 31 78%
Economically Disadvantaged 7 1 14% 1 14% 3 43% 2 29% 5 71%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 33 1 3% 6 18% 16 48% 10 30% 26 79%
Not Migrant 40 2 5% 7 18% 19 48% 12 30% 31 78%
Homeless 1
Not Homeless 39
Not in Foster Care 40 2 5% 7 18% 19 48% 12 30% 31 78%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 40 2 5% 7 18% 19 48% 12 30% 31 78%


Subgroup Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 297 19 6% 27 9% 96 32% 155 52% 251 85%
General Education 251 6 2% 13 5% 84 33% 148 59% 232 92%
Students with Disabilities 46 13 28% 14 30% 12 26% 7 15% 19 41%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 4
Black or African American 13 2 15% 1 8% 5 38% 5 38% 10 77%
Hispanic or Latino 20 2 10% 4 20% 8 40% 6 30% 14 70%
White 246 14 6% 22 9% 80 33% 130 53% 210 85%
Multiracial 13 0 0% 0 0% 3 23% 10 77% 13 100%
Small Group Total 5 1 20% 0 0% 0 0% 4 80% 4 80%
Female 143 6 4% 10 7% 47 33% 80 56% 127 89%
Male 154 13 8% 17 11% 49 32% 75 49% 124 81%
English Language Learners 1
Non-English Language Learners 296
Economically Disadvantaged 113 11 10% 18 16% 41 36% 43 38% 84 74%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 184 8 4% 9 5% 55 30% 112 61% 167 91%
Migrant 1
Not Migrant 296
Homeless 8 3 38% 1 13% 3 38% 1 13% 4 50%
Not Homeless 289 16 6% 26 9% 93 32% 154 53% 247 85%
Not in Foster Care 297 19 6% 27 9% 96 32% 155 52% 251 85%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 297 19 6% 27 9% 96 32% 155 52% 251 85%


Subgroup Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # %
All Students 273 7 3% 12 4% 64 23% 190 70% 254 93%
General Education 237 0 0% 3 1% 51 22% 183 77% 234 99%
Students with Disabilities 36 7 19% 9 25% 13 36% 7 19% 20 56%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 2
Black or African American 16 0 0% 2 13% 4 25% 10 63% 14 88%
Hispanic or Latino 25 3 12% 0 0% 10 40% 12 48% 22 88%
White 218 3 1% 10 5% 48 22% 157 72% 205 94%
Multiracial 11
Small Group Total 14 1 7% 0 0% 2 14% 11 79% 13 93%
Female 134 1 1% 7 5% 38 28% 88 66% 126 94%
Male 139 6 4% 5 4% 26 19% 102 73% 128 92%
English Language Learners 2
Non-English Language Learners 271
Economically Disadvantaged 96 6 6% 5 5% 37 39% 48 50% 85 89%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 177 1 1% 7 4% 27 15% 142 80% 169 95%
Not Migrant 273 7 3% 12 4% 64 23% 190 70% 254 93%
Homeless 6 0 0% 0 0% 4 67% 2 33% 6 100%
Not Homeless 267 7 3% 12 4% 60 22% 188 70% 248 93%
Not in Foster Care 273 7 3% 12 4% 64 23% 190 70% 254 93%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 273 7 3% 12 4% 64 23% 190 70% 254 93%


A High School Cohort consists of all students who first enter grade 9 anywhere or, in the case of ungraded students with disabilities, reach their seventeenth birthday in a particular school year (July 1 - June 30). The "year" used to identify the cohort is the year in which the July 1 - December 31 dates fall. Results are reported four years after these students first enter grade 9.


Subgroup Cohort Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 & Above Proficient
(Levels 3 & Above)
# % # % # % # % # % # % # %
All Students 265 16 6% 249 94% 6 2% 9 3% 71 27% 163 62% 234 88%
General Education 228 4 2% 224 98% 2 1% 4 2% 58 25% 160 70% 218 96%
Students with Disabilities 37 12 32% 25 68% 4 11% 5 14% 13 35% 3 8% 16 43%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 3 0 3
Black or African American 18 3 17% 15 83% 1 6% 1 6% 5 28% 8 44% 13 72%
Hispanic or Latino 28 2 7% 26 93% 1 4% 3 11% 7 25% 15 54% 22 79%
White 206 11 5% 195 95% 4 2% 4 2% 56 27% 131 64% 187 91%
Multiracial 10 0 10
Small Group Total 13 0 0% 13 100% 0 0% 1 8% 3 23% 9 69% 12 92%
Female 138 5 4% 133 96% 1 1% 7 5% 30 22% 95 69% 125 91%
Male 127 11 9% 116 91% 5 4% 2 2% 41 32% 68 54% 109 86%
Non-English Language Learners 264 15 249
English Language Learners 1 1 0
Economically Disadvantaged 118 11 9% 107 91% 4 3% 8 7% 39 33% 56 47% 95 81%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 147 5 3% 142 97% 2 1% 1 1% 32 22% 107 73% 139 95%
Not Migrant 265 16 6% 249 94% 6 2% 9 3% 71 27% 163 62% 234 88%
Homeless 6 1 17% 5 83% 0 0% 1 17% 1 17% 3 50% 4 67%
Not Homeless 259 15 6% 244 94% 6 2% 8 3% 70 27% 160 62% 230 89%
Not in Foster Care 265 16 6% 249 94% 6 2% 9 3% 71 27% 163 62% 234 88%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 265 16 6% 249 94% 6 2% 9 3% 71 27% 163 62% 234 88%


Subgroup Cohort Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 & Above Proficient
(Levels 3 & Above)
# % # % # % # % # % # % # %
All Students 265 13 5% 252 95% 0 0% 11 4% 125 47% 116 44% 241 91%
General Education 228 2 1% 226 99% 0 0% 2 1% 110 48% 114 50% 224 98%
Students with Disabilities 37 11 30% 26 70% 0 0% 9 24% 15 41% 2 5% 17 46%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 3 0 3
Black or African American 18 3 17% 15 83% 0 0% 0 0% 7 39% 8 44% 15 83%
Hispanic or Latino 28 3 11% 25 89% 0 0% 4 14% 14 50% 7 25% 21 75%
White 206 7 3% 199 97% 0 0% 7 3% 101 49% 91 44% 192 93%
Multiracial 10 0 10
Small Group Total 13 0 0% 13 100% 0 0% 0 0% 3 23% 10 77% 13 100%
Female 138 4 3% 134 97% 0 0% 3 2% 63 46% 68 49% 131 95%
Male 127 9 7% 118 93% 0 0% 8 6% 62 49% 48 38% 110 87%
Non-English Language Learners 264 13 251
English Language Learners 1 0 1
Economically Disadvantaged 118 9 8% 109 92% 0 0% 7 6% 66 56% 36 31% 102 86%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 147 4 3% 143 97% 0 0% 4 3% 59 40% 80 54% 139 95%
Not Migrant 265 13 5% 252 95% 0 0% 11 4% 125 47% 116 44% 241 91%
Homeless 6 1 17% 5 83% 0 0% 1 17% 2 33% 2 33% 4 67%
Not Homeless 259 12 5% 247 95% 0 0% 10 4% 123 47% 114 44% 237 92%
Not in Foster Care 265 13 5% 252 95% 0 0% 11 4% 125 47% 116 44% 241 91%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 265 13 5% 252 95% 0 0% 11 4% 125 47% 116 44% 241 91%


Subgroup Cohort Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 & Above Proficient
(Levels 3 & Above)
# % # % # % # % # % # % # %
All Students 265 19 7% 246 93% 4 2% 17 6% 89 34% 136 51% 225 85%
General Education 228 6 3% 222 97% 3 1% 8 4% 76 33% 135 59% 211 93%
Students with Disabilities 37 13 35% 24 65% 1 3% 9 24% 13 35% 1 3% 14 38%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 3 0 3
Black or African American 18 4 22% 14 78% 2 11% 0 0% 6 33% 6 33% 12 67%
Hispanic or Latino 28 4 14% 24 86% 0 0% 5 18% 6 21% 13 46% 19 68%
White 206 11 5% 195 95% 2 1% 11 5% 75 36% 107 52% 182 88%
Multiracial 10 0 10
Small Group Total 13 0 0% 13 100% 0 0% 1 8% 2 15% 10 77% 12 92%
Female 138 8 6% 130 94% 1 1% 9 7% 44 32% 76 55% 120 87%
Male 127 11 9% 116 91% 3 2% 8 6% 45 35% 60 47% 105 83%
Non-English Language Learners 264 19 245
English Language Learners 1 0 1
Economically Disadvantaged 118 13 11% 105 89% 4 3% 11 9% 47 40% 43 36% 90 76%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 147 6 4% 141 96% 0 0% 6 4% 42 29% 93 63% 135 92%
Not Migrant 265 19 7% 246 93% 4 2% 17 6% 89 34% 136 51% 225 85%
Homeless 6 2 33% 4 67% 0 0% 0 0% 1 17% 3 50% 4 67%
Not Homeless 259 17 7% 242 93% 4 2% 17 7% 88 34% 133 51% 221 85%
Not in Foster Care 265 19 7% 246 93% 4 2% 17 6% 89 34% 136 51% 225 85%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 265 19 7% 246 93% 4 2% 17 6% 89 34% 136 51% 225 85%


Subgroup Cohort Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # % # % # %
All Students 265 14 5% 251 95% 6 2% 10 4% 117 44% 118 45% 235 89%
General Education 228 4 2% 224 98% 1 0% 5 2% 101 44% 117 51% 218 96%
Students with Disabilities 37 10 27% 27 73% 5 14% 5 14% 16 43% 1 3% 17 46%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 3 0 3
Black or African American 18 3 17% 15 83% 1 6% 2 11% 7 39% 5 28% 12 67%
Hispanic or Latino 28 3 11% 25 89% 3 11% 2 7% 11 39% 9 32% 20 71%
White 206 8 4% 198 96% 2 1% 5 2% 97 47% 94 46% 191 93%
Multiracial 10 0 10
Small Group Total 13 0 0% 13 100% 0 0% 1 8% 2 15% 10 77% 12 92%
Female 138 6 4% 132 96% 1 1% 6 4% 52 38% 73 53% 125 91%
Male 127 8 6% 119 94% 5 4% 4 3% 65 51% 45 35% 110 87%
Non-English Language Learners 264 14 250
English Language Learners 1 0 1
Economically Disadvantaged 118 11 9% 107 91% 3 3% 7 6% 65 55% 32 27% 97 82%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 147 3 2% 144 98% 3 2% 3 2% 52 35% 86 59% 138 94%
Not Migrant 265 14 5% 251 95% 6 2% 10 4% 117 44% 118 45% 235 89%
Homeless 6 2 33% 4 67% 0 0% 0 0% 3 50% 1 17% 4 67%
Not Homeless 259 12 5% 247 95% 6 2% 10 4% 114 44% 117 45% 231 89%
Not in Foster Care 265 14 5% 251 95% 6 2% 10 4% 117 44% 118 45% 235 89%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 265 14 5% 251 95% 6 2% 10 4% 117 44% 118 45% 235 89%


Subgroup Cohort Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Proficient
(Levels 3 & 4)
# % # % # % # % # % # % # %
All Students 265 19 7% 246 93% 3 1% 9 3% 74 28% 160 60% 234 88%
General Education 228 6 3% 222 97% 0 0% 4 2% 60 26% 158 69% 218 96%
Students with Disabilities 37 13 35% 24 65% 3 8% 5 14% 14 38% 2 5% 16 43%
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 3 0 3
Black or African American 18 4 22% 14 78% 1 6% 1 6% 3 17% 9 50% 12 67%
Hispanic or Latino 28 2 7% 26 93% 2 7% 2 7% 7 25% 15 54% 22 79%
White 206 13 6% 193 94% 0 0% 5 2% 62 30% 126 61% 188 91%
Multiracial 10 0 10
Small Group Total 13 0 0% 13 100% 0 0% 1 8% 2 15% 10 77% 12 92%
Female 138 5 4% 133 96% 0 0% 6 4% 37 27% 90 65% 127 92%
Male 127 14 11% 113 89% 3 2% 3 2% 37 29% 70 55% 107 84%
Non-English Language Learners 264 18 246
English Language Learners 1 1 0
Economically Disadvantaged 118 13 11% 105 89% 2 2% 7 6% 45 38% 51 43% 96 81%
Not Economically Disadvantaged 147 6 4% 141 96% 1 1% 2 1% 29 20% 109 74% 138 94%
Not Migrant 265 19 7% 246 93% 3 1% 9 3% 74 28% 160 60% 234 88%
Homeless 6 1 17% 5 83% 0 0% 0 0% 2 33% 3 50% 5 83%
Not Homeless 259 18 7% 241 93% 3 1% 9 3% 72 28% 157 61% 229 88%
Not in Foster Care 265 19 7% 246 93% 3 1% 9 3% 74 28% 160 60% 234 88%
Parent Not in Armed Forces 265 19 7% 246 93% 3 1% 9 3% 74 28% 160 60% 234 88%

New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (2018-19)

New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Tests (NYSESLAT) are administered in grades K through 12 to all English Language Learners (ELLs). ELLs are students who, by reason of foreign birth or ancestry, speak or understand a language other than English and speak or understand little or no English, and require support to become proficient in English and are identified pursuant to Section 154.3 of Commissioner's Regulations.

Grade Not Tested Tested Entering Emerging Transitioning Expanding Commanding
Kindergarten 0 4
Grade 1 0 8 0% 13% 38% 25% 25%
Grade 2 0 6 0% 0% 33% 50% 17%
Grade 3 0 5 0% 0% 60% 40% 0%
Grade 4 0 11 0% 9% 27% 64% 0%
Grade 5 0 2
Grade 6 0 3
Grade 7 0 6 0% 0% 0% 100% 0%
Grade 8 0 1
Grade 9 0 2
Grade 11 0 2
Grade 12 0 1

New York State Alternate Assessment (2018-19)

New York State Alternate Assessments (NYSAA) are administered to ungraded students with severe cognitive disabilities whose ages are equivalent to graded students in grades 3 through 8 and high school level.

Grade/Subject Not Tested Tested Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
# % # % # % # %
Grade 5 ELA 0 1
Grade 5 Math 0 1
Grade 6 ELA 0 2
Grade 6 Math 0 2
Grade 7 ELA 0 2
Grade 7 Math 0 2
Grade 8 ELA 0 3
Grade 8 Math 0 3
Grade 8 Science 0 3
Secondary-Level ELA 24 3
Secondary-Level Math 24 3
Secondary-Level Science 24 3


National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) are reported for statewide (New York State) and national results only. District- and school-level results are not reported for NAEP.

All Students 34% 31% 26% 8% 24% 40% 29% 8%
Students with Disabilities 73% 18% 7% 1% 61% 30% 7% 2%
American Indian or Alaska Native * * * * * * * *
Asian 21% 27% 34% 17% 8% 23% 43% 26%
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander * * * * * * * *
Black or African American 53% 31% 14% 2% 43% 40% 16% 1%
Hispanic or Latino 45% 32% 19% 4% 33% 45% 19% 2%
White 24% 32% 33% 11% 14% 39% 38% 9%
Multiracial 24% 23% 35% 18% 15% 42% 31% 12%
Limited English Proficient 78% 17% 4% * 51% 40% 8% 1%
Economically Disadvantaged 49% 31% 17% 3% 33% 43% 21% 3%
All Students 30% 38% 28% 4% 34% 32% 22% 11%
Students with Disabilities 58% 31% 10% 1% 72% 22% 5% 2%
American Indian or Alaska Native * * * * * * * *
Asian 21% 33% 36% 10% 15% 25% 29% 31%
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander * * * * * * * *
Black or African American 43% 38% 17% 1% 55% 30% 12% 3%
Hispanic or Latino 41% 38% 19% 2% 49% 35% 14% 3%
White 20% 39% 35% 6% 23% 33% 29% 15%
Multiracial * * * * * * * *
Limited English Proficient 83% 16% 1% * 88% 10% 2% *
Economically Disadvantaged 40% 38% 20% 2% 47% 32% 16% 5%
All Students 35% 31% 26% 9% 20% 40% 32% 9%
Students with Disabilities 70% 18% 9% 2% 51% 33% 14% 3%
American Indian or Alaska Native 50% 30% 17% 3% 32% 43% 22% 4%
Asian 18% 25% 35% 22% 7% 23% 41% 29%
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 45% 31% 20% 4% 30% 40% 24% 5%
Black or African American 53% 30% 15% 3% 35% 45% 18% 2%
Hispanic or Latino 46% 31% 19% 4% 27% 45% 24% 3%
White 24% 31% 32% 12% 12% 36% 40% 12%
Multiracial 28% 32% 29% 11% 17% 40% 34% 10%
Limited English Proficient 65% 25% 8% 1% 41% 43% 15% 1%
Economically Disadvantaged 48% 31% 18% 3% 29% 45% 23% 3%
All Students 28% 39% 29% 4% 32% 35% 23% 10%
Students with Disabilities 64% 27% 8% 1% 68% 23% 7% 2%
American Indian or Alaska Native 40% 41% 19% 1% 48% 37% 13% 3%
Asian 13% 30% 43% 13% 12% 24% 31% 33%
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 38% 38% 23% 2% 47% 34% 15% 4%
Black or African American 47% 39% 14% 1% 54% 33% 11% 2%
Hispanic or Latino 38% 40% 20% 1% 43% 37% 16% 3%
White 19% 39% 36% 5% 21% 36% 30% 13%
Multiracial 24% 40% 31% 5% 28% 36% 25% 11%
Limited English Proficient 73% 24% 3% * 73% 22% 4% 1%
Economically Disadvantaged 40% 40% 18% 1% 46% 36% 15% 3%

*There are not sufficient data for this subgroup.


Pupil Count Federal State & Local Total
Expenditures Expenditures Per Pupil Expenditures Expenditures Per Pupil Expenditures Expenditures Per Pupil
This District 3,362 $2,770,504 $824 $60,961,866 $18,133 $63,732,370 $18,957
Statewide 2,725,318 $2,598,258,527 $953 $57,424,150,260 $21,071 $60,022,408,788 $22,024

District data were submitted by the district as of June 24, 2020.

# % # % # %
THIS DISTRICT 28 10% 0 0% 8 3%
STATEWIDE 32,551 16% 1,378 28% 23,318 11%
STATEWIDE HIGH-POVERTY SCHOOLS 11,966 25% 392 32% 10,750 23%
STATEWIDE LOW-POVERTY SCHOOLS 5,751 9% 262 21% 1,180 2%


Graduation Rate data are for students who first entered grade 9, four years prior to this reporting year. Graduates are as of August following the close of the reporting year. Click on High School Graduation Rate Data report to see district and state comparisons and to filter on gender and ethnicity student subgroups.


Civil Right Data Collection (CRDC) data are reported to the United States Department of Education by districts and include data on measures of school quality, climate, and safety as well as enrollment in preschool programs and accelerated coursework to earn postsecondary credit. For more information, visit the CRDC homepage.

CRDC Data (13.06 megabytes)
Glossary of Terms
