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2022-23 School Year Financial Transparency Report

The tables below display per pupil expenditures for charter schools, traditional public schools, as well as district averages that may be higher or lower than an individual school.

All amounts shown on this report (except exclusions) are per pupil of the entire school or district, unless otherwise noted.

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Economic and Student Characteristics

District P-12 Enrollment


Needs Resource Category
Average Need
moderately more than the average district in the state
significantly less than the state average

Student Demographics

Enrollment AMHERST CSD
All Students 2,822
  Economically Disadvantaged 38%
  Students with Disabilities 13%
  English Language Learners 5%
Staffing Profile AMHERST CSD
Student-to-Teacher Ratio 11
Teachers with Fewer than 4 years of Experience % 9%
Teachers with 4-20 Years of Experience % 47%
Teachers with 21+ Years of Experience % 44%

Comparison: How do per pupil expenditures compare?









Report View One: How Much is Being Spent on Instruction and Administration?

For traditional school districts, school level data (entries A through D) represent the average per pupil school level expenditures for all schools in the district. For charter schools, these entries reflect school level expenditures for the particular charter school only. Entries E through H reflect central expenditures.

Total spending (entry I) represents all non-excluded per pupil expenditures. For traditional school districts, this represents the average per pupil expenditures of all schools in the district. For charter schools, this represents per pupil school level expenditures.

School Cost(A-D)
Central Cost(E-H)
Combined Cost(I)
Report View One Per Pupil Expenditure Categories AMHERST CSD
A. Instruction (A1 + A2 + A3 + A4) $12,725.65
B. Administration (B1 + B2 + B3) $833.31
C. All Other Spending (C1 + C2 + C3) $1,880.41
D. Total School Level (A + B + C) $15,439.37
E. Central Instruction (E1 + E2 + E3 + E4) $623.72
F. Central Administration (F1 + F2 + F3) $1,796.42
G. All Other Central Spending (G1 + G2 + G3) $1,729.66
H. Total Central Costs $4,149.79
I. Total Spending (D + H) $19,589.16

Report View Two: How are the Local/State and Federal Funds Spent?

Report View Two presents the same expenditures reported in View One, but disaggregates that spending by local/state/federal/other revenue source.

For traditional school districts, school level data (entries J and K) represent the average per pupil school level expenditures for all schools in the district. For charter schools, these entries reflect school level expenditures for the charter school. Entries L and M reflect central expenditures.

Total spending (entry N) represents all non-excluded per pupil expenditures. For traditional school districts, this represents the average per pupil expenditures of all schools in the district. For charter schools, this represents per pupil school level expenditures.

School Cost(Pre-J—K)
Central Cost(Pre-L—M)
Combined Cost(N)
Report View Two Per Pupil Expenditure Categories AMHERST CSD
J. Total School Level Local/State Spending $14,393.55
K. Total School Level Federal Spending $1,045.83
L. Total Central Level Local/State Spending $4,149.79
M. Total Central Level Federal Spending $0.00
N. Total Spending (J + K + L + M) $19,589.16

Detailed Spending: How Much is Spent Per Pupil in Selected Program Areas?

Program Area Details in entries O through Z represent subsets of spending in Report View One and Report View Two. Five program areas are broken out. To calculate per pupil expenditures P-12 enrollment is used for pupil services, community schools programs, and BOCES services. Enrollments for the program areas are used for special education, ELL services, and prekindergarten.

Entries O through T represent school level expenditures. For charter schools, data represents per pupil expenditures in each of category in the selected school. For traditional school districts, data under the district column represent the district average of all schools in each of these categories.

Entries U through Z represent central expenditures.

School Cost(O-T)
Central Cost(U-Z)
Program Detail Areas
Program areas are included within the above School Level Expenditures (Row D) and Central Costs (Row H)

Exclusions: What Other Spending is not Included in the Per Pupil Amounts Shown Above?

The final section represents total expenditures, with the following exclusions that were not included in the per pupil expenditure calculations above: transportation, tuition, debt service, and other.

“Other Exclusions” include expenditures such as tuition for students attending BOCES full-time, services provided to nonpublic or charter schools, prekindergarten payments to community-based organizations, and community services.

Central Cost(1-5 & Percent Excluded from Total)
Combined Cost(Total Expenditures)
Excluded Expenditures AMHERST CSD
1. Transportation $4,578,394.91
2. Charter School Tuition $576,085.08
3. Other Tuition $2,246,336.94
4. Debt Service $6,266,325.48
5. Other $5,585,478.31
Percent Excluded from Total 25%
Total Expenditures $75,943,662.94