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This report shows counts of students who self-identified as having one or more disability, by category and sub-category of their disability and by type of program they were enrolled in (Occupationally-Specific or other Degree-Credit). Also included are the number of staff whose primary responsibilities includes supporting students with disabilities. These numbers are as reported by Institutions of Higher Education in New York State. The data are broken out by Institution Type (Public and Private), by Sector (SUNY, CUNY, Independent, and Proprietary), and by level (2-year and 4-year/Grad).
Glossary of Terms | Business Rules


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 10,271 35,286
Sensory 781 2,368
Mental Health 3,132 12,909
Physical 1,972 9,138
Intersystem 818 3,059
Temporary Disabilities 238 1,364
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
13,412 49,593
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
3,348 13,989
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 438.62 92.50
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 151.95 103.42
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 124.95 59.33
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 176.60 142.00
Interpreters/Captionists 11.00 105.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 32.00 72.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 97.00 807.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 690.54 1,085.83

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 7,769 10,435
Sensory 566 716
Mental Health 2,364 2,874
Physical 1,469 1,774
Intersystem 653 691
Temporary Disabilities 138 76
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
9,826 12,788
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
2,584 3,536
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 116.50 32.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 36.00 38.42
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 28.50 24.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 50.00 46.50
Interpreters/Captionists 5.00 18.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 5.00 8.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 43.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 134.42 162.50

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 2,502 24,851
Sensory 215 1,652
Mental Health 768 10,035
Physical 503 7,364
Intersystem 165 2,368
Temporary Disabilities 100 1,288
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
3,586 36,805
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
764 10,453
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 322.12 60.50
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 115.95 65.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 96.45 35.33
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 126.60 95.50
Interpreters/Captionists 6.00 87.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 27.00 64.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 97.00 764.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 556.12 923.33

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 8,884 20,136
Sensory 642 1,530
Mental Health 2,649 7,036
Physical 1,662 5,525
Intersystem 708 1,684
Temporary Disabilities 176 499
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
11,378 28,426
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
2,888 8,059
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 181.50 55.50
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 65.00 59.42
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 52.50 37.33
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 75.00 68.00
Interpreters/Captionists 10.00 54.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 7.00 12.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 20.00 326.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 263.42 381.83

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 7,175 15,592
Sensory 493 1,013
Mental Health 2,200 5,125
Physical 1,061 3,019
Intersystem 670 1,545
Temporary Disabilities 176 499
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
8,829 20,691
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
2,270 5,195
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 117.50 34.50
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 49.00 33.42
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 43.50 20.33
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 58.00 46.00
Interpreters/Captionists 5.00 15.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 6.00 6.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 20.00 249.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 189.42 224.83

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 6,106 8,659
Sensory 420 584
Mental Health 1,911 2,339
Physical 933 1,238
Intersystem 615 646
Temporary Disabilities 113 76
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
7,336 10,222
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
2,022 2,820
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 59.50 27.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 25.00 28.42
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 22.50 16.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 34.00 31.00
Interpreters/Captionists 5.00 3.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 5.00 5.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 21.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 70.42 93.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 1,069 6,933
Sensory 73 429
Mental Health 289 2,786
Physical 128 1,781
Intersystem 55 899
Temporary Disabilities 63 423
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
1,493 10,469
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
248 2,375
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 58.00 7.50
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 24.00 5.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 21.00 4.33
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 24.00 15.00
Interpreters/Captionists 0.00 12.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 1.00 1.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 20.00 228.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 119.00 131.83

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 1,709 4,544
Sensory 149 517
Mental Health 449 1,911
Physical 601 2,506
Intersystem 38 139
Temporary Disabilities 0 0
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
2,549 7,735
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
618 2,864
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 63.00 21.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 15.00 26.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 9.00 17.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 17.00 22.00
Interpreters/Captionists 5.00 39.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 1.00 6.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 77.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 72.00 157.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 1,503 1,727
Sensory 134 127
Mental Health 385 469
Physical 508 515
Intersystem 32 28
Temporary Disabilities 0 0
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
2,218 2,426
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
535 698
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 31.00 3.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 7.00 8.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 3.00 7.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 9.00 10.00
Interpreters/Captionists 0.00 15.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 0.00 3.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 22.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 34.00 59.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 206 2,817
Sensory 15 390
Mental Health 64 1,442
Physical 93 1,991
Intersystem 6 111
Temporary Disabilities 0 0
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
331 5,309
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
83 2,166
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 32.00 18.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 8.00 18.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 6.00 10.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 8.00 12.00
Interpreters/Captionists 5.00 24.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 1.00 3.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 55.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 38.00 98.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 1,387 15,150
Sensory 139 838
Mental Health 483 5,873
Physical 310 3,613
Intersystem 110 1,375
Temporary Disabilities 62 865
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
2,034 21,167
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
460 5,930
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 257.12 37.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 86.95 44.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 72.45 22.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 101.60 74.00
Interpreters/Captionists 1.00 51.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 25.00 60.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 77.00 481.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 427.12 704.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 1,256 14,545
Sensory 126 806
Mental Health 460 5,517
Physical 286 3,453
Intersystem 106 1,323
Temporary Disabilities 53 826
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
1,862 20,260
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
432 5,692
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 215.12 36.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 75.95 42.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 62.45 21.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 84.60 65.50
Interpreters/Captionists 1.00 51.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 25.00 60.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 77.00 475.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 371.12 685.50

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 68 10
Sensory 1 1
Mental Health 49 0
Physical 10 10
Intersystem 3 7
Temporary Disabilities 16 0
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
134 26
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
12 2
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 14.00 1.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 1.00 1.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 1.00 0.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 4.00 0.00
Interpreters/Captionists 0.00 0.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 0.00 0.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 0.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 15.00 2.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 1,188 14,535
Sensory 125 805
Mental Health 411 5,517
Physical 276 3,443
Intersystem 103 1,316
Temporary Disabilities 37 826
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
1,728 20,234
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
420 5,690
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 201.12 35.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 74.95 41.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 61.45 21.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 80.60 65.50
Interpreters/Captionists 1.00 51.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 25.00 60.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 77.00 475.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 356.12 683.50

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 131 605
Sensory 13 32
Mental Health 23 356
Physical 24 160
Intersystem 4 52
Temporary Disabilities 9 39
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
172 907
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
28 238
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 42.00 1.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 11.00 2.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 10.00 1.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 17.00 8.50
Interpreters/Captionists 0.00 0.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 0.00 0.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 6.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 56.00 18.50

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 92 39
Sensory 11 4
Mental Health 19 66
Physical 18 11
Intersystem 3 10
Temporary Disabilities 9 0
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
138 114
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
15 16
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 12.00 1.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 3.00 1.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 2.00 1.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 3.00 5.50
Interpreters/Captionists 0.00 0.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 0.00 0.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 0.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 15.00 8.50

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 39 566
Sensory 2 28
Mental Health 4 290
Physical 6 149
Intersystem 1 42
Temporary Disabilities 0 39
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
34 793
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
13 222
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 30.00 0.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 8.00 1.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 8.00 0.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 14.00 3.00
Interpreters/Captionists 0.00 0.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 0.00 0.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 6.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 41.00 10.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.
