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This report shows counts of students who self-identified as having one or more disability, by category and sub-category of their disability and by type of program they were enrolled in (Occupationally-Specific or other Degree-Credit). Also included are the number of staff whose primary responsibilities includes supporting students with disabilities. These numbers are as reported by Institutions of Higher Education in New York State. The data are broken out by Institution Type (Public and Private), by Sector (SUNY, CUNY, Independent, and Proprietary), and by level (2-year and 4-year/Grad).
Glossary of Terms | Business Rules


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 10,467 35,610
Sensory 1,213 3,024
Mental Health 3,282 14,894
Physical 1,949 9,356
Intersystem 756 3,213
Temporary Disabilities 157 1,569
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
13,788 51,821
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
3,627 15,260
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 454.23 82.45
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 155.25 67.90
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 119.92 61.55
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 189.53 150.30
Interpreters/Captionists 138.00 167.40
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 45.00 79.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 3.00 1,812.20
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 854.00 2,239.10

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 7,860 8,875
Sensory 557 514
Mental Health 2,422 2,652
Physical 1,428 1,491
Intersystem 547 599
Temporary Disabilities 93 69
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
9,882 10,816
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
2,779 3,109
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 102.00 20.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 37.00 35.90
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 31.00 21.50
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 51.00 56.50
Interpreters/Captionists 6.00 51.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 13.00 8.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 134.20
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 170.50 292.10

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 2,607 26,735
Sensory 656 2,510
Mental Health 860 12,242
Physical 521 7,865
Intersystem 209 2,614
Temporary Disabilities 64 1,500
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
3,906 41,005
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
848 12,151
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 352.23 62.45
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 118.25 32.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 88.92 40.05
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 138.53 93.80
Interpreters/Captionists 132.00 116.40
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 32.00 71.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 3.00 1,678.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 683.50 1,947.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 8,714 18,973
Sensory 595 1,327
Mental Health 2,604 7,645
Physical 1,500 5,230
Intersystem 570 1,659
Temporary Disabilities 80 548
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
10,795 26,938
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
2,946 7,932
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 191.50 36.50
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 66.00 41.90
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 57.00 37.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 83.00 81.00
Interpreters/Captionists 4.00 69.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 16.00 13.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 2.00 818.20
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 307.00 977.60

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 6,957 14,509
Sensory 458 875
Mental Health 2,131 5,709
Physical 972 3,038
Intersystem 523 1,529
Temporary Disabilities 80 548
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
8,238 19,569
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
2,328 5,108
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 132.50 27.50
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 50.00 28.90
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 47.00 18.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 71.00 54.00
Interpreters/Captionists 4.00 20.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 7.00 6.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 2.00 574.20
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 217.00 669.60

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 6,147 7,098
Sensory 424 406
Mental Health 1,946 2,120
Physical 933 1,007
Intersystem 486 556
Temporary Disabilities 65 67
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
7,338 8,282
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
2,163 2,447
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 57.50 18.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 24.00 26.90
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 21.00 13.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 41.00 36.00
Interpreters/Captionists 4.00 20.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 6.00 4.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 22.20
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 95.00 112.10

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 810 7,411
Sensory 34 469
Mental Health 185 3,589
Physical 39 2,031
Intersystem 37 973
Temporary Disabilities 15 481
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
900 11,287
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
165 2,661
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 75.00 9.50
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 26.00 2.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 26.00 5.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 30.00 18.00
Interpreters/Captionists 0.00 0.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 1.00 2.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 2.00 552.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 122.00 557.50

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 1,757 4,464
Sensory 137 452
Mental Health 473 1,936
Physical 528 2,192
Intersystem 47 130
Temporary Disabilities 0 0
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
2,557 7,369
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
618 2,824
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 58.00 9.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 15.00 13.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 10.00 19.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 12.00 27.00
Interpreters/Captionists 0.00 49.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 9.00 7.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 244.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 88.00 308.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 1,527 1,722
Sensory 125 102
Mental Health 411 467
Physical 431 473
Intersystem 43 36
Temporary Disabilities 0 0
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
2,217 2,403
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
519 651
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 21.00 2.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 6.00 9.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 4.00 8.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 1.00 16.00
Interpreters/Captionists 0.00 31.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 7.00 4.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 112.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 34.00 175.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 230 2,742
Sensory 12 350
Mental Health 62 1,469
Physical 97 1,719
Intersystem 4 94
Temporary Disabilities 0 0
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
340 4,966
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
99 2,173
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 37.00 7.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 9.00 4.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 6.00 11.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 11.00 11.00
Interpreters/Captionists 0.00 18.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 2.00 3.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 132.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 54.00 133.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 1,753 16,637
Sensory 618 1,697
Mental Health 678 7,249
Physical 449 4,126
Intersystem 186 1,554
Temporary Disabilities 77 1,021
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
2,993 24,883
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
681 7,328
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 262.73 45.95
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 89.25 26.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 62.92 24.55
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 106.53 69.30
Interpreters/Captionists 134.00 98.40
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 29.00 66.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 1.00 994.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 547.00 1,261.50

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 1,505 16,033
Sensory 605 1,662
Mental Health 629 6,885
Physical 386 3,982
Intersystem 182 1,511
Temporary Disabilities 65 986
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
2,674 23,978
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
633 7,099
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 226.23 45.95
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 77.25 26.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 51.92 24.05
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 91.53 62.80
Interpreters/Captionists 134.00 98.40
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 29.00 66.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 1.00 984.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 483.50 1,244.50

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 66 6
Sensory 0 3
Mental Health 44 3
Physical 48 3
Intersystem 15 0
Temporary Disabilities 23 0
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
165 14
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
77 1
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 9.00 0.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 3.00 0.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 3.00 0.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 4.00 1.00
Interpreters/Captionists 2.00 0.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 0.00 0.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 0.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 18.00 1.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 1,439 16,027
Sensory 605 1,659
Mental Health 585 6,882
Physical 338 3,979
Intersystem 167 1,511
Temporary Disabilities 42 986
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
2,509 23,964
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
556 7,098
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 217.23 45.95
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 74.25 26.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 48.92 24.05
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 87.53 61.80
Interpreters/Captionists 132.00 98.40
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 29.00 66.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 1.00 984.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 465.50 1,243.50

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 248 604
Sensory 13 35
Mental Health 49 364
Physical 63 144
Intersystem 4 43
Temporary Disabilities 12 35
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
319 905
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
48 229
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 36.50 0.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 12.00 0.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 11.00 0.50
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 15.00 6.50
Interpreters/Captionists 0.00 0.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 0.00 0.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 10.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 63.50 17.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 120 49
Sensory 8 3
Mental Health 21 62
Physical 16 8
Intersystem 3 7
Temporary Disabilities 5 2
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
162 117
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
20 10
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 14.50 0.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 4.00 0.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 3.00 0.50
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 5.00 3.50
Interpreters/Captionists 0.00 0.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 0.00 0.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 0.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 23.50 4.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.


Category of Disability Occupationally-Specific Programs Other Degree-Credit Programs
Neurodevelopmental 128 555
Sensory 5 32
Mental Health 28 302
Physical 47 136
Intersystem 1 36
Temporary Disabilities 7 33
Unduplicated Total
In this section identified students were only counted once.
157 788
Students with Multiple Disabilities
In this section students are included in the count if they were reported in more than one disability category, excluding the mobility category.
28 219
Disability/Accessibility Office* Staff
Position FT PT
Professional staff (e.g., reviewing documentation and determining disability accommodations, arranging and/or providing accommodations) 22.00 0.00
Administrative support staff for Access Office* 8.00 0.00
Assistive technology staff (e.g., alternate media conversion, helping students and/or faculty with assistive technology selection and use, setting up remote captioning in the classroom, etc.) 8.00 0.00
Accommodated testing coordination and support staff 10.00 3.00
Interpreters/Captionists 0.00 0.00
Specialized program staff (e.g., ASD or LD programs) 0.00 0.00
Paid temporary staff (e.g., graduate/undergraduate students, temps) 0.00 10.00
Unduplicated Total (count each person once if split among above positions) 40.00 13.00

* The office or person that has been designated by the institution to determine eligibility for services and ensure equitable access for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.

† FTE cannot be aggregated beyond the institution level as the formula will vary by staff member based on months worked and percentage of time on tasks.
