The New York State Report Card is an important part of the Board of Regents' effort to raise learning standards for all students. It provides information to the public on school/district enrollment and staff, student performance, and other measures of school and district performance. Knowledge gained from the report card on a school's or district's strengths and weaknesses can be used to improve instruction and services to students.
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― There were fewer than 40 students enrolled during the test administration period, so the Percent of Enrolled Students with Valid Test Scores data are suppressed OR there were fewer than 30 tested students enrolled on BEDS day and during the test administration period, so the PI, EAMO, and Safe Harbor Target data are suppressed.
― There were fewer than 40 students enrolled during the test administration period, so the Percent of Enrolled Students with Valid Test Scores data are suppressed OR there were fewer than 30 tested students enrolled on BEDS day and during the test administration period, so the PI, EAMO, and Safe Harbor Target data are suppressed.
You can do a side-by-side comparison of the same dataset between two or three location and/or years. There are two ways to accomplish this.
If you're creating a custom comparison, you'll need to navigate to this report for another location and/or year and use the + icon on that page to add it to the comparison engine.