Rules for including students
Cross-Sectional vs. Cohort-Group View
Cross-Sectional - Assessment results for students in a particular grade compared to students in that same grade the prior year (ex. 4th grade results in 2012-13 compared to 4th grade results in 2013-14). These data are unmatched.
Cohort-Group - Assessment results for students in a particular grade compared to students in a prior grade for the prior year (ex.3rd grade results in 2012-13 compared to 4th grade results in 2013-14). These data are unmatched.
Data are populated with the performance level that is returned from the contractor after scoring.
To ensure student confidentiality, the Department does not publish data for groups with fewer than five students or data that would allow readers to easily determine the performance of a group with fewer than five students. When fewer than five students in a group (e.g., Hispanic) were tested, counts and percentages of tested students scoring at various levels are suppressed for that group and the next smallest group.
For schools, districts, and charters when there is suppression of the performance levels the total tested count will also be suppressed. This applies when a subgroup total equals the all students total , a subgroup total is fewer than five, or all members of a subgroup are in the same performance level.
County, district and other aggregations may vary from other data sources due to various business and suppression rules.