This Access database contains assessment results (elementary- and intermediate-level ELA, Math, and Science; Annual Regents; Total Cohort Regents; NYSESLAT; NYSAA), for the state, districts, public with charter schools, by county and Need to Resource Capacity group. The database also includes Staff Qualifications for the state, districts, and public and charter schools.
This Excel workbook contains Grades 3-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics and Grades 5 and 8 Science district, charter, and statewide counts of students in select subgroups and the percent of students who were reported with a Refusal code. Subgroups include All Students, English Language Learner, Students with Disabilities, and Economically Disadvantaged.
This database contains school, district, county, and statewide enrollment by grade, race/ethnicity, gender, and other groups.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five-year June and August, and six-year June and August cohorts.
This database contains graduation pathway data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Pathway data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five-year June and August, and six-year June and August.
This database contains counts of AP and IB assessments by student subgroup and performance level, AP and IB course counts, and an AP and IB course researcher file by student subgroup. School district, statewide, county, and needs resource aggregations are included.
This Access database contains English Language Learner (ELL) enrollment data and home language rankings for all districts and charter schools. ELL enrollment is reported by grade; race; gender; ELL subtype, including SIFE; and ELL program. The count of former ELLs, ELLs identified as students with disabilities, and ELLS identified as economically disadvantaged is also included. The language rankings report the top five languages in the district or charter school ranked by number of ELLs who speak the language.
This database contains free and reduced-price lunch, average class size, student attendance and suspensions, staff counts, teacher attendance, and teacher turnover data.
This Access database contains accountability statuses and indicator data (performance, chronic absenteeism, graduation rate, participation rate), assessment results (elementary- and intermediate-level ELA, Math, and Science; Annual Regents; Total Cohort Regents; NYSESLAT; NYSAA), and postsecondary enrollment rate for the state, districts, public and charter schools, by county, and Need to Resource Capacity group. The database also includes Staff Qualifications and Expenditures per Pupil for the state, districts, and public and charter schools.
This Excel workbook contains Grades 3-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics assessment district, charter, and statewide counts of students in select subgroups and the percent of students who were reported with a Refusal code. Subgroups include All Students, English Language Learner, Students with Disabilities, and Economically Disadvantaged.
This database contains school, district, county, and statewide enrollment by grade, race/ethnicity, gender, and other groups.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five-year June and August, and six-year June and August cohorts.
This database contains graduation pathway data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Pathway data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five-year June and August, and six-year June and August.
This database contains counts of AP and IB assessments by student subgroup and performance level, AP and IB course counts, and an AP and IB course researcher file by student subgroup. School district, statewide, county, and needs resource aggregations are included.
This Access database contains accountability statuses and indicator data (performance, chronic absenteeism, graduation rate, participation rate), assessment results (elementary- and intermediate-level ELA, Math, and Science; Annual Regents; Total Cohort Regents; NYSESLAT; NYSAA), and postsecondary enrollment rate for the state, districts, public and charter schools, by county, and Need to Resource Capacity group. The database also includes Staff Qualifications and Expenditures per Pupil for the state, districts, and public and charter schools.
This database contains free and reduced-price lunch, average class size, student attendance and suspensions, staff counts, teacher attendance, and teacher turnover data.
This Excel workbook contains Grades 3-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics assessment district, charter, and statewide counts of students in select subgroups and the percent of students who were reported with a Refusal code. Subgroups include All Students, English Language Learner, Students with Disabilities, and Economically Disadvantaged.
This Access database contains English Language Learner (ELL) enrollment data and home language rankings for all districts and charter schools. ELL enrollment is reported by grade; race; gender; ELL subtype, including SIFE; and ELL program. The count of former ELLs, ELLs identified as students with disabilities, and ELLS identified as economically disadvantaged is also included. The language rankings report the top five languages in the district or charter school ranked by number of ELLs who speak the language.
This database contains school, district, county, and statewide enrollment by grade, race/ethnicity, gender, and other groups.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five-year June and August, and six-year June and August cohorts.
This database contains graduation pathway data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Pathway data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five-year June and August, and six-year June and August.
This database contains counts of AP and IB assessments by student subgroup and performance level, AP and IB course counts, and an AP and IB course researcher file by student subgroup. School district, statewide, county, and needs resource aggregations are included.
This database contains accountability statuses, chronic absenteeism, secondary graduation rate, assessment (elementary- and intermediate-level ELA, Math, and Science; Annual Regents; Total Cohort Regents; NYSESLAT; NYSAA), Staff Qualifications, and Expenditures per Pupil data for the state, county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains free and reduced-price lunch, average class size, student attendance and suspensions, staff counts, teacher attendance, and teacher turnover data.
The 3-8 Assessment Database, a comprehensive 3-8 ELA and Math Researcher File, with district, public, and charter school level enrolled, tested, and not tested aggregate data results.
This database contains school, district, county, and statewide enrollment by grade, race/ethnicity, gender, and other groups.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five-year June and August, and six-year June and August cohorts.
This database contains graduation pathway data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Pathway data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five-year June and August, and six-year June and August.
This database contains counts of AP and IB assessments by student subgroup and performance level, AP and IB course counts, and an AP and IB course researcher file by student subgroup. School district, statewide, county, and needs resource aggregations are included.
This database contains state, district, public school, and charter school accountability, secondary graduation rate, expenditures per pupil, and staff qualifications data. Also included are accountability and secondary graduation rate data by county and Need to Resource Capacity group. No new assessment data will be released for 2019-20 Report Card.
This database contains free and reduced-price lunch, average class size, student attendance and suspensions, staff counts, teacher attendance, and teacher turnover data.
This database contains school, district, county, and statewide enrollment by grade, race/ethnicity, gender, and other groups.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five-year June and August, and six-year June and August cohorts.
This database contains graduation pathway data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Pathway data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five-year June and August, and six-year June and August.
This database contains counts of AP and IB assessments by student subgroup and performance level, AP and IB course counts, and an AP and IB course researcher file by student subgroup. School district, statewide, county, and needs resource aggregations are included.
This database contains assessment data for grades 3-8 on ELA and Math at the state, county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, and school level broken down by various subgroups.
This database contains annual assessment, accountability, expenditures per pupil, graduation rate, staff, and CRDC data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains free and reduced-price lunch, average class size, student attendance and suspensions, staff counts, teacher attendance, and teacher turnover data.
This database contains school, district, county, and statewide enrollment by grade, race/ethnicity, gender, and other groups.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five-year June and August, and six-year June and August cohorts.
This database contains graduation pathway data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Pathway data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five-year June and August, and six-year June and August.
This database contains assessment data for grades 3-8 on ELA and Math at the state, county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, and school level broken down by various subgroups.
This database contains accountability, annual assessment, and staff data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains free and reduced-price lunch, average class size, student attendance and suspensions, staff counts, teacher attendance, and teacher turnover data.
This database contains school, district, county, and statewide enrollment by grade, race/ethnicity, gender, and other groups.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four year cohort (June and August graduates), five and six year cohorts.
This database contains graduation pathway data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Pathway data is included for the current four year cohort (June and August graduates).
This database contains assessment data for grades 3-8 on ELA and Math at the state, county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, and school level broken down by various subgroups.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four year cohort (June and August graduates), five and six year cohorts.
This database contains assessment data for grades 3-8 on ELA and Math at the state, county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, and school level broken down by various subgroups.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four year cohort (June and August graduates), five and six year cohorts.
This database contains assessment data for grades 3-8 on ELA and Math at the state, county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, and school level broken down by various subgroups.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four year cohort (June and August graduates), five and six year cohorts.
This database contains assessment data for grades 3-8 on ELA and Math at the state, county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, and school level broken down by various subgroups.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five and six-year cohorts.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five and six-year cohorts.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five and six-year cohorts.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five and six-year cohorts.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five and six-year cohorts.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five and six-year cohorts.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort (June and August graduates), five and six-year cohorts.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort, five and six-year cohorts.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as by district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort, five and six-year cohorts.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains annual graduation, and dropout data for the state as well as district, public school and charter school. Annual graduation data is included for the current four-year cohort and five-year cohort.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.
This database contains multiple years of enrollment, staff, graduation, dropout, assessment, and accountability data for the state as well as by county, Need to Resource Capacity group, district, public school, and charter school.