Please note: for Educator Evaluation data subsequent to 2015-16, see the Office of Educator Quality and Professional Development’s Educator Evaluation Data Results page.
There are three publicly available data sets: Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) under Education Law §3012-c, Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) under Education Law §3012-d, and State-Provided Growth (SPG).
APPR is the term used to describe NY State's teacher and principal evaluation system. Data has only been included for those districts and BOCES with an approved APPR plan for the applicable school year. Each classroom teacher and building principal must receive an overall rating of Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, or Ineffective (HEDI). This rating is based on a single composite effectiveness score (ranging from 0-100 points) that is calculated based on the scores received by the teacher or principal in each of the three subcomponents (State Growth or Other Comparable Measures, Locally-Selected Measures, and Other Measures of Educator Effectiveness).
Please note that, based on the arguments presented in the NYC arbitration proceeding held on May 30 and 31, 2013 and pursuant to his authority in Education Law §3012-c(2)(a)(7), the Commissioner imposed new proportional scoring ranges for use in NYC for the 2013-2014, 2014-2015, and 2015-2016 school years. These scoring ranges differ from those used by districts and BOCES in the rest of the State.
Since Education Law §3012-c requires a number of decisions within APPR plans to be collectively bargained, APPR results across school districts and BOCES may not be based on the exact same measures, assessments, or scales for every classroom teacher or building principal. Thus, caution should be exercised when attempting to compare results across school districts and BOCES. Please see the Office of Educator Quality and Professional Development’s Educator Evaluation Plans page for the most recently approved versions of each LEA’s evaluation plan.
APPR is the term used to describe NY State's teacher and principal evaluation system. Data has only been included for those districts and BOCES with an approved APPR plan for the applicable school year. Each classroom teacher and building principal must receive an overall rating of Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, or Ineffective (HEDI). Each classroom teacher and building principal must receive an overall rating based on the ratings received by the teacher or principal in the Student Performance and Teacher Observation/Principal School Visit Categories and determined using a State-prescribed matrix.
Education Law §3012-d states that the Commissioner must determine the scoring ranges for the Required and Optional subcomponents of the Student Performance Category. Accordingly, Subpart 30-3 of the Rules of the Board of Regents requires that the following 0-20 point scoring ranges be used to determine an educator's overall HEDI rating in the Student Performance Category of APPRs conducted pursuant to Education Law §3012-d (beginning in the 2015-16 school year, and thereafter): 0-12, 13-14, 15-17, 18-20.
During the transition period (2015-16 through 2018-19), transition scores and HEDI ratings will be generated and used to replace the scores and HEDI ratings for teachers and principals whose HEDI scores are based, in whole or in part, on State assessments in grades 3-8 ELA or math (including where State-provided growth scores are used) or on State-provided growth scores. Where measures are based only in part on the grades 3-8 ELA/math State assessments or State-provided growth scores (e.g., an SLO based on a group measure using results from the 3-8 ELA State assessments and results from Regents assessments), districts/BOCES determine whether to use the measure with the remaining assessments. Please note that educators with SLOs based only on other State assessments (e.g., Regents assessments), or State approved 3rd party or locally-developed assessments, are not impacted by the transition period.
During the 2015-16 school year, the overall transition scores and ratings were determined based upon the remaining subcomponents of the APPR that are not based on the grade 3-8 ELA or math State assessments or State-provided growth scores. In APPRs conducted pursuant to Education Law Education Law §3012-c, the scores of the remaining subcomponents were scaled up according to a locally-determined methodology in order to generate a new Overall Composite score out of 100. In APPRs conducted pursuant to Education Law §3012-d, educators' Overall Composite APPR ratings were determined using the State-prescribed matrix based on the ratings generated by the remaining measures in the required and/or optional subcomponents of the Student Performance Category, and the educators' Observation/School Visit Category ratings.
For APPRs conducted pursuant to Education Law §3012-d during the 2016-17 through 2018-19 school years, districts/BOCES must develop "Alternate SLOs" in instances where no Student Performance Category measures can be generated for an educator due to the exclusion of the grades 3-8 ELA/math State assessments or State-provided growth scores to determine educators' Transition Student Performance Category score and rating. Alternate SLOs must be based on other State-administered or State-approved assessments.
Districts/BOCES must continue to calculate "original" APPR scores/ratings during the transition period based on the measures in their approved APPR plans without any modifications. Districts must report both Original and Transition scores and ratings in each APPR subcomponent and/or category, and Original and Transition Overall scores/ratings for affected educators through the 2018-19 school year.
These data are the "State-Provided Growth" ratings as provided by NYSED to school districts.
The State-Provided Growth measure shows the growth obtained by an educator's students on State assessments. The growth of each student is compared to similar students (based on past assessment scores and certain characteristics (SWD status, poverty status and ELL status)).
State-Provided Growth scores are provided for teachers of grades 4-8 ELA and math and their principals. Under Education Law §3012-c, State-provided growth scores are to be used as the State Growth or Other Comparable Measure subcomponent for these educators' APPR. Under Education Law §3012-d, State-provided growth scores are to be used as the Required Student Performance subcomponent for these educators' APPR. Based on this measure, each educator earns one of four growth ratings (HEDI) and a growth score from 0-20 points.
In addition, high school principals with buildings that include all of grades 9-12 also receive a State-Provided Growth score. Growth scores for high school principals were calculated using two measures:
During the 2015-16 through 2018-19 school years, such State-provided growth scores must be excluded from the calculation of transition scores and ratings. State-provided growth scores will still be provided to educators during the transition period for advisory purposes only.
For more information about State-Provided Growth Scores please see the State Growth Measures Toolkits.
*Miscellaneous subject area includes Religious Education and Theology, Military Science, and Nonsubject specific courses.
In some cases filtering is not available at the BOCES, district, and school level because it is either not applicable or it would lead to the release of personally identifiable information.
All disclosure must protect personally identifiable information (PII) for individual educators. SED will accomplish this by:
1The procedure for scaling of transition subcomponents under Education Law §3012-c was determined at the LEA-level; therefore, transition subcomponent data is not displayed for APPR results under Education Law §3012-c.