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Annually, school districts and charter schools are required to conduct a survey concerning student digital resources and Internet access in their homes. Required by Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17, the Student Digital Resources and Access data provides information about student access to devices and internet at their place of residence. It is imperative that districts, BOCES, charter schools, and the New York State Education Department maintain an updated, accurate, complete picture of the digital access status for each individual student. The data will help identify specific needs and target resources. The data should also be used at local level for instructional and programmatic decision-making.

Information is reported to the State Education Department through the Student Information Repository System (SIRS). The count of enrolled includes students enrolled at any time during the school year in that location. The following data points are collected by school districts by surveying students’ households.


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

Indication of whether the school or district issued the student a dedicated school- or district-owned device for the student’s use during the school year.

1. Did the school district issue your child a dedicated school or district-owned device for their use during the school year?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

45.06% of Enrolled

All Students1,903 92.24160 7.76
Female919 93.4964 6.51
Male984 91.1196 8.89
Nonbinary0 00 0
American Indian/Alaska Native3 751 25
Black22 883 12
Hispanic66 97.062 2.94
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander18 94.741 5.26
White1,748 92.1150 7.9
Multiracial46 93.883 6.12
General Education Students1,658 92.32138 7.68
Students with Disabilities245 91.7622 8.24
Not English Language Learner1,903 92.24160 7.76
English Language Learner0 00 0
Economically Disadvantaged458 91.2444 8.76
Not Economically Disadvantaged1,445 92.57116 7.43
Not Migrant1,903 92.24160 7.76
Homeless1 1000 0
Not Homeless1,902 92.24160 7.76
In Foster Care3 1000 0
Not in Foster Care1,900 92.23160 7.77
Parent Not in Armed Forces1,903 92.24160 7.76


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

2. What is the device your child uses most often to complete learning activities away from school? (This can be a school-provided device or another device, whichever the student is most often using to complete their schoolwork.)



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

44.8% of Enrolled

SubgroupChromebookDesktopLaptopNo DeviceSmartphoneTablet
All Students1,556 75.8746 2.24200 9.7572 3.5117 .83160 7.8
Female761 77.8917 1.7485 8.724 2.4610 1.0280 8.19
Male795 74.0229 2.7115 10.7148 4.477 .6580 7.45
Nonbinary0 00 00 00 00 00 0
American Indian/Alaska Native3 750 00 01 250 00 0
Black18 720 03 121 40 03 12
Hispanic52 76.471 1.477 10.291 1.470 07 10.29
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander15 78.950 03 15.791 5.260 00 0
White1,426 75.5745 2.38182 9.6468 3.616 .85150 7.95
Multiracial42 87.50 05 10.420 01 2.080 0
General Education Students1,350 75.6741 2.3176 9.8761 3.4217 .95139 7.79
Students with Disabilities206 77.155 1.8724 8.9911 4.120 021 7.87
Not English Language Learner1,556 75.8746 2.24200 9.7572 3.5117 .83160 7.8
English Language Learner0 00 00 00 00 00 0
Economically Disadvantaged370 73.7112 2.3956 11.1628 5.589 1.7927 5.38
Not Economically Disadvantaged1,186 76.5734 2.19144 9.344 2.848 .52133 8.59
Not Migrant1,556 75.8746 2.24200 9.7572 3.5117 .83160 7.8
Homeless1 1000 00 00 00 00 0
Not Homeless1,555 75.8546 2.24200 9.7672 3.5117 .83160 7.8
In Foster Care3 1000 00 00 00 00 0
Not in Foster Care1,553 75.8346 2.25200 9.7772 3.5217 .83160 7.81
Parent Not in Armed Forces1,556 75.8746 2.24200 9.7572 3.5117 .83160 7.8


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

3. Who is the provider of the primary learning device identified in question 2? (This can be a school-provided device or another device, whichever the student is most often using to complete their schoolwork.)



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

44.71% of Enrolled

SubgroupNo DevicePersonalSchool
All Students74 3.62432 21.11,541 75.28
Female24 2.46208 21.33743 76.21
Male50 4.66224 20.9798 74.44
Nonbinary0 00 00 0
American Indian/Alaska Native1 250 03 75
Black1 46 2418 72
Hispanic1 1.4912 17.9154 80.6
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander1 5.264 21.0514 73.68
White70 3.72402 21.341,412 74.95
Multiracial0 08 16.6740 83.33
General Education Students63 3.54383 21.521,334 74.94
Students with Disabilities11 4.1249 18.35207 77.53
Not English Language Learner74 3.62432 21.11,541 75.28
English Language Learner0 00 00 0
Economically Disadvantaged29 5.7989 17.76383 76.45
Not Economically Disadvantaged45 2.91343 22.191,158 74.9
Not Migrant74 3.62432 21.11,541 75.28
Homeless0 00 01 100
Not Homeless74 3.62432 21.111,540 75.27
In Foster Care0 00 03 100
Not in Foster Care74 3.62432 21.141,538 75.24
Parent Not in Armed Forces74 3.62432 21.11,541 75.28


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

4. Is the primary learning device (identified in question 2) shared with anyone else in the household?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

43.21% of Enrolled

SubgroupNo DeviceNot SharedShared
All Students78 3.941,606 81.19294 14.86
Female25 2.67775 82.62138 14.71
Male53 5.1831 79.9156 15
Nonbinary0 00 00 0
American Indian/Alaska Native1 253 750 0
Black1 4.1720 83.333 12.5
Hispanic1 1.5255 83.3310 15.15
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander1 5.2615 78.953 15.79
White74 4.071,473 81.02271 14.91
Multiracial0 040 85.117 14.89
General Education Students66 3.831,396 81.12259 15.05
Students with Disabilities12 4.67210 81.7135 13.62
Not English Language Learner78 3.941,606 81.19294 14.86
English Language Learner0 00 00 0
Economically Disadvantaged30 6.36368 77.9774 15.68
Not Economically Disadvantaged48 3.191,238 82.2220 14.61
Not Migrant78 3.941,606 81.19294 14.86
Homeless0 01 1000 0
Not Homeless78 3.951,605 81.18294 14.87
In Foster Care0 02 1000 0
Not in Foster Care78 3.951,604 81.17294 14.88
Parent Not in Armed Forces78 3.941,606 81.19294 14.86


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

5. Is the primary learning device (identified in question 2) sufficient for your child to fully participate in all learning activities away from school?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

43.21% of Enrolled

SubgroupNot SufficientSufficient
All Students234 11.831,744 88.17
Female106 11.3832 88.7
Male128 12.31912 87.69
Nonbinary0 00 0
American Indian/Alaska Native1 253 75
Black6 2419 76
Hispanic11 16.6755 83.33
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander2 10.5317 89.47
White208 11.451,609 88.55
Multiracial6 12.7741 87.23
General Education Students200 11.631,520 88.37
Students with Disabilities34 13.18224 86.82
Not English Language Learner234 11.831,744 88.17
English Language Learner0 00 0
Economically Disadvantaged81 17.12392 82.88
Not Economically Disadvantaged153 10.171,352 89.83
Not Migrant234 11.831,744 88.17
Homeless0 01 100
Not Homeless234 11.841,743 88.16
In Foster Care0 02 100
Not in Foster Care234 11.841,742 88.16
Parent Not in Armed Forces234 11.831,744 88.17


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

6. Is your child able to access the internet in their primary place of residence?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

43.29% of Enrolled

All Students20 1.011,962 98.99
Female10 1.06931 98.94
Male10 .961,031 99.04
Nonbinary0 00 0
American Indian/Alaska Native0 04 100
Black1 424 96
Hispanic3 4.4864 95.52
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander0 019 100
White15 .821,805 99.18
Multiracial1 2.1346 97.87
General Education Students17 .991,707 99.01
Students with Disabilities3 1.16255 98.84
Not English Language Learner20 1.011,962 98.99
English Language Learner0 00 0
Economically Disadvantaged13 2.74461 97.26
Not Economically Disadvantaged7 .461,501 99.54
Not Migrant20 1.011,962 98.99
Homeless0 01 100
Not Homeless20 1.011,961 98.99
In Foster Care0 02 100
Not in Foster Care20 1.011,960 98.99
Parent Not in Armed Forces20 1.011,962 98.99


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

7. What is the primary type of internet service used in your child’s primary place of residence?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

43.25% of Enrolled

SubgroupCellularCommunity Wi-FiDial-upDSLMobile HotspotNoneOtherBroadbandSatellite
All Students68 3.4335 1.772 .144 2.2210 .5121 1.06151 7.631,636 82.6313 .66
Female42 4.4719 2.021 .1123 2.454 .4311 1.1772 7.67764 81.363 .32
Male26 2.516 1.541 .121 2.026 .5810 .9679 7.59872 83.7710 .96
Nonbinary0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0
American Indian/Alaska Native0 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 1000 0
Black1 41 40 00 02 81 44 1616 640 0
Hispanic2 2.992 2.990 00 02 2.993 4.4813 19.445 67.160 0
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander1 5.260 00 01 5.260 00 00 016 84.211 5.26
White60 3.331 1.72 .1141 2.256 .3316 .88130 7.141,523 83.6811 .6
Multiracial4 8.891 2.220 02 4.440 01 2.224 8.8932 71.111 2.22
General Education Students61 3.5431 1.82 .1238 2.216 .3518 1.05129 7.51,423 82.6813 .76
Students with Disabilities7 2.74 1.540 06 2.324 1.543 1.1622 8.49213 82.240 0
Not English Language Learner68 3.4335 1.772 .144 2.2210 .5121 1.06151 7.631,636 82.6313 .66
English Language Learner0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0
Economically Disadvantaged16 3.3712 2.531 .2115 3.166 1.2614 2.9571 14.95335 70.535 1.05
Not Economically Disadvantaged52 3.4623 1.531 .0729 1.934 .277 .4780 5.321,301 86.458 .53
Not Migrant68 3.4335 1.772 .144 2.2210 .5121 1.06151 7.631,636 82.6313 .66
Homeless0 00 00 00 01 1000 00 00 00 0
Not Homeless68 3.4435 1.772 .144 2.229 .4521 1.06151 7.631,636 82.6713 .66
In Foster Care0 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 1000 0
Not in Foster Care68 3.4435 1.772 .144 2.2210 .5121 1.06151 7.631,634 82.6113 .66
Parent Not in Armed Forces68 3.4335 1.772 .144 2.2210 .5121 1.06151 7.631,636 82.6313 .66


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

8. In their primary residence, can your child complete the full range of learning activities, including video streaming and assignment upload, without interruptions caused by slow or poor internet performance?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

43.29% of Enrolled

All Students138 6.961,844 93.04
Female62 6.59879 93.41
Male76 7.3965 92.7
Nonbinary0 00 0
American Indian/Alaska Native0 04 100
Black5 2020 80
Hispanic12 17.9155 82.09
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander0 019 100
White118 6.481,703 93.52
Multiracial3 6.5243 93.48
General Education Students117 6.791,607 93.21
Students with Disabilities21 8.14237 91.86
Not English Language Learner138 6.961,844 93.04
English Language Learner0 00 0
Economically Disadvantaged61 12.87413 87.13
Not Economically Disadvantaged77 5.111,431 94.89
Not Migrant138 6.961,844 93.04
Homeless0 01 100
Not Homeless138 6.971,843 93.03
In Foster Care0 02 100
Not in Foster Care138 6.971,842 93.03
Parent Not in Armed Forces138 6.961,844 93.04


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

9. What, if any, is the primary barrier to having sufficient and reliable internet access in your child’s primary place of residence?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

43.43% of Enrolled

All Students9 .4560 3.021,900 95.5719 .96
Female5 .5329 3.08902 95.657 .74
Male4 .3831 2.97998 95.512 1.15
Nonbinary0 00 00 00 0
American Indian/Alaska Native0 00 04 1000 0
Black0 02 822 881 4
Hispanic0 08 11.9459 88.060 0
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander0 00 019 1000 0
White9 .4949 2.681,751 95.8917 .93
Multiracial0 01 2.1345 95.741 2.13
General Education Students5 .2950 2.891,656 95.7818 1.04
Students with Disabilities4 1.5410 3.86244 94.211 .39
Not English Language Learner9 .4560 3.021,900 95.5719 .96
English Language Learner0 00 00 00 0
Economically Disadvantaged3 .6330 6.32436 91.796 1.26
Not Economically Disadvantaged6 .430 1.981,464 96.7613 .86
Not Migrant9 .4560 3.021,900 95.5719 .96
Homeless0 00 01 1000 0
Not Homeless9 .4560 3.021,899 95.5719 .96
In Foster Care0 00 02 1000 0
Not in Foster Care9 .4560 3.021,898 95.5719 .96
Parent Not in Armed Forces9 .4560 3.021,900 95.5719 .96