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Annually, school districts and charter schools are required to conduct a survey concerning student digital resources and Internet access in their homes. Required by Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17, the Student Digital Resources and Access data provides information about student access to devices and internet at their place of residence. It is imperative that districts, BOCES, charter schools, and the New York State Education Department maintain an updated, accurate, complete picture of the digital access status for each individual student. The data will help identify specific needs and target resources. The data should also be used at local level for instructional and programmatic decision-making.

Information is reported to the State Education Department through the Student Information Repository System (SIRS). The count of enrolled includes students enrolled at any time during the school year in that location. The following data points are collected by school districts by surveying students’ households.


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

Indication of whether the school or district issued the student a dedicated school- or district-owned device for the student’s use during the school year.

1. Did the school district issue your child a dedicated school or district-owned device for their use during the school year?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

33.33% of Enrolled

All Students82 50.3181 49.69
Female32 4048 60
Male50 60.2433 39.76
American Indian/Alaska Native1 1000 0
Black1 1000 0
Hispanic5 62.53 37.5
White72 49.3274 50.68
Multiracial3 42.864 57.14
General Education Students72 5072 50
Students with Disabilities10 52.639 47.37
Not English Language Learner81 50.3180 49.69
English Language Learner1 501 50
Economically Disadvantaged42 5633 44
Not Economically Disadvantaged40 45.4548 54.55
Migrant1 501 50
Not Migrant81 50.3180 49.69
Homeless1 1000 0
Not Homeless81 5081 50
In Foster Care0 00 0
Not in Foster Care82 50.3181 49.69
Parent in Armed Forces1 1000 0
Parent Not in Armed Forces81 5081 50


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

2. What is the device your child uses most often to complete learning activities away from school? (This can be a school-provided device or another device, whichever the student is most often using to complete their schoolwork.)



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

33.13% of Enrolled

SubgroupChromebookDesktopLaptopNo DeviceSmartphoneTablet
All Students2 1.2313 8.0262 38.2736 22.2227 16.6722 13.58
Female0 07 8.9724 30.7719 24.3612 15.3816 20.51
Male2 2.386 7.1438 45.2417 20.2415 17.866 7.14
American Indian/Alaska Native0 01 1000 00 00 00 0
Black0 00 01 1000 00 00 0
Hispanic0 01 12.53 37.51 12.53 37.50 0
White2 1.3811 7.5955 37.9333 22.7623 15.8621 14.48
Multiracial0 00 03 42.862 28.571 14.291 14.29
General Education Students2 1.4113 9.1553 37.3231 21.8324 16.919 13.38
Students with Disabilities0 00 09 455 253 153 15
Not English Language Learner2 1.2513 8.1362 38.7536 22.526 16.2521 13.13
English Language Learner0 00 00 00 01 501 50
Economically Disadvantaged0 07 9.3331 41.3320 26.6714 18.673 4
Not Economically Disadvantaged2 2.36 6.931 35.6316 18.3913 14.9419 21.84
Migrant0 00 00 00 02 1000 0
Not Migrant2 1.2513 8.1362 38.7536 22.525 15.6322 13.75
Homeless0 00 01 1000 00 00 0
Not Homeless2 1.2413 8.0761 37.8936 22.3627 16.7722 13.66
In Foster Care0 00 00 00 00 00 0
Not in Foster Care2 1.2313 8.0262 38.2736 22.2227 16.6722 13.58
Parent in Armed Forces0 00 01 1000 00 00 0
Parent Not in Armed Forces2 1.2413 8.0761 37.8936 22.3627 16.7722 13.66


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

3. Who is the provider of the primary learning device identified in question 2? (This can be a school-provided device or another device, whichever the student is most often using to complete their schoolwork.)



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

33.13% of Enrolled

SubgroupNo DevicePersonalSchool
All Students36 22.2270 43.2156 34.57
Female19 24.3636 46.1523 29.49
Male17 20.2434 40.4833 39.29
American Indian/Alaska Native0 01 1000 0
Black0 00 01 100
Hispanic1 12.53 37.54 50
White33 22.7664 44.1448 33.1
Multiracial2 28.572 28.573 42.86
General Education Students31 21.8360 42.2551 35.92
Students with Disabilities5 2510 505 25
Not English Language Learner36 22.569 43.1355 34.38
English Language Learner0 01 501 50
Economically Disadvantaged20 26.6726 34.6729 38.67
Not Economically Disadvantaged16 18.3944 50.5727 31.03
Migrant0 01 501 50
Not Migrant36 22.569 43.1355 34.38
Homeless0 00 01 100
Not Homeless36 22.3670 43.4855 34.16
In Foster Care0 00 00 0
Not in Foster Care36 22.2270 43.2156 34.57
Parent in Armed Forces0 00 01 100
Parent Not in Armed Forces36 22.3670 43.4855 34.16


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

4. Is the primary learning device (identified in question 2) shared with anyone else in the household?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

32.92% of Enrolled

SubgroupNo DeviceNot SharedShared
All Students36 22.3679 49.0746 28.57
Female19 24.3632 41.0327 34.62
Male17 20.4847 56.6319 22.89
American Indian/Alaska Native0 00 01 100
Black0 01 1000 0
Hispanic1 12.56 751 12.5
White33 22.9268 47.2243 29.86
Multiracial2 28.574 57.141 14.29
General Education Students31 21.9971 50.3539 27.66
Students with Disabilities5 258 407 35
Not English Language Learner36 22.6477 48.4346 28.93
English Language Learner0 02 1000 0
Economically Disadvantaged20 26.6737 49.3318 24
Not Economically Disadvantaged16 18.642 48.8428 32.56
Migrant0 02 1000 0
Not Migrant36 22.6477 48.4346 28.93
Homeless0 00 01 100
Not Homeless36 22.579 49.3845 28.13
In Foster Care0 00 00 0
Not in Foster Care36 22.3679 49.0746 28.57
Parent in Armed Forces0 01 1000 0
Parent Not in Armed Forces36 22.578 48.7546 28.75


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

5. Is the primary learning device (identified in question 2) sufficient for your child to fully participate in all learning activities away from school?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

29.24% of Enrolled

SubgroupNot SufficientSufficient
All Students32 22.38111 77.62
Female16 22.8654 77.14
Male16 21.9257 78.08
American Indian/Alaska Native0 01 100
Black1 1000 0
Hispanic1 14.296 85.71
White28 22.0599 77.95
Multiracial2 28.575 71.43
General Education Students29 22.48100 77.52
Students with Disabilities3 21.4311 78.57
Not English Language Learner31 21.99110 78.01
English Language Learner1 501 50
Economically Disadvantaged15 23.4449 76.56
Not Economically Disadvantaged17 21.5262 78.48
Migrant0 02 100
Not Migrant32 22.7109 77.3
Homeless0 01 100
Not Homeless32 22.54110 77.46
In Foster Care0 00 0
Not in Foster Care32 22.38111 77.62
Parent in Armed Forces0 01 100
Parent Not in Armed Forces32 22.54110 77.46


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

6. Is your child able to access the internet in their primary place of residence?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

32.92% of Enrolled

All Students16 9.94145 90.06
Female8 10.1371 89.87
Male8 9.7674 90.24
American Indian/Alaska Native0 01 100
Black0 01 100
Hispanic1 12.57 87.5
White15 10.42129 89.58
Multiracial0 07 100
General Education Students14 9.86128 90.14
Students with Disabilities2 10.5317 89.47
Not English Language Learner16 10.06143 89.94
English Language Learner0 02 100
Economically Disadvantaged10 13.5164 86.49
Not Economically Disadvantaged6 6.981 93.1
Migrant0 02 100
Not Migrant16 10.06143 89.94
Homeless0 01 100
Not Homeless16 10144 90
In Foster Care0 00 0
Not in Foster Care16 9.94145 90.06
Parent in Armed Forces0 01 100
Parent Not in Armed Forces16 10144 90


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

7. What is the primary type of internet service used in your child’s primary place of residence?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

33.13% of Enrolled

SubgroupCellularCommunity Wi-FiDial-upDSLMobile HotspotNoneOtherBroadbandSatellite
All Students18 11.114 2.471 .624 2.4728 17.285 3.0919 11.7362 38.2721 12.96
Female5 6.411 1.280 02 2.5618 23.082 2.5611 14.127 34.6212 15.38
Male13 15.483 3.571 1.192 2.3810 11.93 3.578 9.5235 41.679 10.71
American Indian/Alaska Native0 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 1000 0
Black0 00 00 00 01 1000 00 00 00 0
Hispanic0 00 00 00 01 12.50 01 12.53 37.53 37.5
White16 11.034 2.761 .694 2.7626 17.934 2.7617 11.7255 37.9318 12.41
Multiracial2 28.570 00 00 00 01 14.291 14.293 42.860 0
General Education Students15 10.562 1.411 .74 2.8224 16.95 3.5217 11.9754 38.0320 14.08
Students with Disabilities3 152 100 00 04 200 02 108 401 5
Not English Language Learner18 11.254 2.51 .634 2.527 16.885 3.1319 11.8862 38.7520 12.5
English Language Learner0 00 00 00 01 500 00 00 01 50
Economically Disadvantaged12 15.794 5.260 00 012 15.794 5.2612 15.7924 31.588 10.53
Not Economically Disadvantaged6 6.980 01 1.164 4.6516 18.61 1.167 8.1438 44.1913 15.12
Migrant0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 100
Not Migrant18 11.254 2.51 .634 2.528 17.55 3.1319 11.8862 38.7519 11.88
Homeless0 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 1000 0
Not Homeless18 11.184 2.481 .624 2.4828 17.395 3.1119 11.861 37.8921 13.04
In Foster Care0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0
Not in Foster Care18 11.114 2.471 .624 2.4728 17.285 3.0919 11.7362 38.2721 12.96
Parent in Armed Forces0 00 00 00 00 00 01 1000 00 0
Parent Not in Armed Forces18 11.184 2.481 .624 2.4828 17.395 3.1118 11.1862 38.5121 13.04


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

8. In their primary residence, can your child complete the full range of learning activities, including video streaming and assignment upload, without interruptions caused by slow or poor internet performance?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

32.52% of Enrolled

All Students46 28.93113 71.07
Female22 28.2156 71.79
Male24 29.6357 70.37
American Indian/Alaska Native0 01 100
Black0 01 100
Hispanic1 12.57 87.5
White43 30.2899 69.72
Multiracial2 28.575 71.43
General Education Students39 27.46103 72.54
Students with Disabilities7 41.1810 58.82
Not English Language Learner46 29.3111 70.7
English Language Learner0 02 100
Economically Disadvantaged22 30.9949 69.01
Not Economically Disadvantaged24 27.2764 72.73
Migrant0 02 100
Not Migrant46 29.3111 70.7
Homeless1 1000 0
Not Homeless45 28.48113 71.52
In Foster Care0 00 0
Not in Foster Care46 28.93113 71.07
Parent in Armed Forces0 01 100
Parent Not in Armed Forces46 29.11112 70.89


Data are based on the number of responses to this question.

9. What, if any, is the primary barrier to having sufficient and reliable internet access in your child’s primary place of residence?



Count of Completed Questions


Percent Completed

32.72% of Enrolled

All Students49 30.6323 14.3878 48.7510 6.25
Female27 34.626 7.6937 47.448 10.26
Male22 26.8317 20.7341 502 2.44
American Indian/Alaska Native0 00 01 1000 0
Black0 00 01 1000 0
Hispanic3 37.53 37.52 250 0
White46 32.1717 11.8971 49.659 6.29
Multiracial0 03 42.863 42.861 14.29
General Education Students40 27.9721 14.6972 50.3510 6.99
Students with Disabilities9 52.942 11.766 35.290 0
Not English Language Learner48 30.3822 13.9278 49.3710 6.33
English Language Learner1 501 500 00 0
Economically Disadvantaged19 26.0312 16.4438 52.054 5.48
Not Economically Disadvantaged30 34.4811 12.6440 45.986 6.9
Migrant0 02 1000 00 0
Not Migrant49 31.0121 13.2978 49.3710 6.33
Homeless1 1000 00 00 0
Not Homeless48 30.1923 14.4778 49.0610 6.29
In Foster Care0 00 00 00 0
Not in Foster Care49 30.6323 14.3878 48.7510 6.25
Parent in Armed Forces1 1000 00 00 0
Parent Not in Armed Forces48 30.1923 14.4778 49.0610 6.29