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Special Education School District Data Profile 2019-20

The Special Education School District Data Profile is prepared in accordance with the requirement of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Each State must have a State Performance Plan (SPP) to evaluate the State's efforts to meet the requirements and purposes of the implementation of IDEA.

The SPP is a six-year plan which describes New York State's performance on 17 indicators. States must report annually to the public on the performance of the State in an Annual Performance Report (APR) and each school district against the State's targets. New York State's SPP and the APR that describe these indicators in detail are available at
The following report reflects only quantifiable data collected by the State. Since performance of a school district in any indicator may be the result of unique circumstances within a district, readers are encouraged to consider information provided by the district's administration in interpreting these data.

Enrollment and Classification Rate

Please Note: Data for Enrollment, Classification Rate and Indicators #4-14 are not available for each New York City Geographic District. For data on these indicators, please see the district data profile that represents all New York City Public Schools combined.

Indicator 1: Graduation Rate of Students with Disabilities

2015 Total cohort - August 2019

Students with Disabilities and Graduation rate



State Target

Target Met

70% or higher

Yes, met state target

Indicator 2: Drop-Out Rate of Students with Disabilities

2015 Total cohort 4 years later - August 2019

Students with Disabilities and Drop-out Rate



State Target

Target Met

19.37% or lower

Yes, met state target

Indicator 3: State Assessments

Participation In and Performance On State Assessments

Due to COVID - 19 and resulting changes to New York State testing, accountability, and federal reporting requirements, Spring 2020 standardized state assessments, including the June 2020 Regents examinations, were canceled and are, thus, not reported.

Indicator 4A: Suspension Rate

(based on 2018-19 school year data)

Please Note: Data for Enrollment, Classification Rate and Indicators #4-14 are not available for each New York City Geographic District. For data on these indicators, please see the district data profile that represents all New York City Public Schools combined.

Indicator 4B: Significant Discrepancy by Race and Ethnicity in Suspension Rate

(based on 2018-19 school year data)

Please Note: Data for Enrollment, Classification Rate and Indicators #4-14 are not available for each New York City Geographic District. For data on these indicators, please see the district data profile that represents all New York City Public Schools combined.

Indicator 5: School-age Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

Please Note: Data for Enrollment, Classification Rate and Indicators #4-14 are not available for each New York City Geographic District. For data on these indicators, please see the district data profile that represents all New York City Public Schools combined.

Indicator 6: Preschool Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

Please Note: Data for Enrollment, Classification Rate and Indicators #4-14 are not available for each New York City Geographic District. For data on these indicators, please see the district data profile that represents all New York City Public Schools combined.

Indicator 7: Preschool Outcomes

This district was required to report data on preschool outcomes for 2019-20 and reported no students ages 3-5 with IEPs who received preschool special education services for at least six months and left preschool special education sometime during the 2019-20 school year.

Indicator 8: Parental Involvement

Please Note: Data for Enrollment, Classification Rate and Indicators #4-14 are not available for each New York City Geographic District. For data on these indicators, please see the district data profile that represents all New York City Public Schools combined.

Indicator 9: Disproportionality - Identification for Special Education

Please Note: Data for Enrollment, Classification Rate and Indicators #4-14 are not available for each New York City Geographic District. For data on these indicators, please see the district data profile that represents all New York City Public Schools combined.

Indicator 10A: Disproportionality in Specific Disability Categories

Please Note: Data for Enrollment, Classification Rate and Indicators #4-14 are not available for each New York City Geographic District. For data on these indicators, please see the district data profile that represents all New York City Public Schools combined.

Indicator 11: Timely Evaluations (Child Find)

Please Note: Data for Enrollment, Classification Rate and Indicators #4-14 are not available for each New York City Geographic District. For data on these indicators, please see the district data profile that represents all New York City Public Schools combined.

Indicator 12: Early Childhood Transition

Percent of children with IEPs who transitioned from early intervention services (Part C) to preschool special education services (Part B) and received their preschool special education services by their third birthdays consistent with State law.
Please Note: Data for Enrollment, Classification Rate and Indicators #4-14 are not available for each New York City Geographic District. For data on these indicators, please see the district data profile that represents all New York City Public Schools combined.

Indicator 13: Secondary Transition

Please Note: Data for Enrollment, Classification Rate and Indicators #4-14 are not available for each New York City Geographic District. For data on these indicators, please see the district data profile that represents all New York City Public Schools combined.

Indicator 14: Post-School Outcomes

Please Note: Data for Enrollment, Classification Rate and Indicators #4-14 are not available for each New York City Geographic District. For data on these indicators, please see the district data profile that represents all New York City Public Schools combined.
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