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Printed on: February 15, 2025, 9:18 am

Original Overall Composite Rating

The data you requested are currently not available for this location. If you have questions please contact us.

Original State Growth or Other Comparable Measures Rating

The data you requested are currently not available for this location. If you have questions please contact us.

Original Locally-Selected Measures Rating

The data you requested are currently not available for this location. If you have questions please contact us.

Original Other Measures of Educator Effectiveness Rating

The data you requested are currently not available for this location. If you have questions please contact us.

Transition Overall Composite Rating

Each classroom teacher and building principal must receive an overall rating based on a single composite effectiveness score that is calculated based on the scores received by the teacher or principal in each of the three subcomponents, excluding measures based on the grades 3-8 ELA/math State assessments and any State-provided growth scores. View more detailed information about the Overall Composite Rating or about Transition Scores/Ratings.






*Fields with dashes have data suppressed in order to prevent reporting personally identifiable information.

Pursuant to Education Law §3012-c(10), viewers of this site will not be able to find personally identifiable information for any teacher or principal, including an individual educator's evaluation ratings by name anywhere on this website. However, parents or legal guardians may contact their child's district or BOCES to obtain information about their child's teacher(s) or principal(s) composite effectiveness score and/or their final overall rating.
