Average Class Size is the average number of students in a particular class.
“Common Branch” refers to self-contained classes in Grades 1-6 that are taught by teachers certified to teach all subjects typically included in elementary school. Additional student and educator data is available in the Student and Educator Report.
A positive school climate promotes school safety, student self-esteem, emotional well-being, mental health, and lower incidences of substance abuse, student absenteeism, and suspensions. The New York State Education Department (NYSED) continues to promote initiatives to foster student engagement and thereby increase student achievement, safety, and wellness.
Our Social Emotional Learning materials support the state's ESSA plan priorities and promote a positive school climate. The resources outline benchmarks and frameworks for educators to implement Social Emotional Learning practices in their schools and classrooms.
Mental health education can assist young people and their families and result in positive decision-making and life-long success.
School Safety indicates the safety of the school’s environment based on reported incidents.
What percentage of students attended school on the days the school was open?
What percentage of students were suspended from school at least one full day during the school year?
What percentage of students were absent 10 percent or more of the days they were enrolled in school?
The Every Student Succeeds Act, or ESSA, the main federal law for K-12 public education, requires that states hold public schools accountable for how students achieve. New York State established a set of indicators to measure school and district performance to determine appropriate school and district support. All schools in New York State are identified for a support model based on the accountability measures intended for schools and districts to consider when setting goals for continuous improvement.
Support Model | Definition |
Schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement, or CSI | A minimum of 5% of the lowest performing elementary/middle schools in the state receiving Title I, Part A funds plus any non-Title I elementary/middle schools meeting the criteria for identification AND a minimum of 5% of the lowest performing high schools receiving Title I, Part A funds plus any non-Title I high schools meeting the criteria for identification. CSI schools are identified once every three years based on the performance of the All Students accountability group. |
Schools identified for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement, or ATSI | Schools are identified for ATSI if the TSI subgroup does not exit its TSI status in the number of years outlined in regulation. |
Schools identified for Targeted Support and Improvement, or TSI | Schools are identified for TSI based on the low performance of accountability subgroups other than the All Students group for two consecutive years. These accountability subgroups are: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Multiracial, White, Economically Disadvantaged, English Language Learner, and Students with Disabilities. In the first year of low performance, the subgroup will be identified Potential TSI. |
Schools identified for Local Support and Improvement, or LSI | A school that is not identified for CSI, ATSI, or TSI is a school identified for LSI. A school identified for LSI will continue to use the systems and processes established at the local level for continuous improvement efforts. There is no change in regulatory requirements for this group of schools. |
Support Model | Definition |
Local Support and Improvement, or LSI | A district that has no schools identified for CSI, ATSI, TSI, or no subgroup at the district level is identified for CSI, ATSI, or TSI, then the district is identified for LSI. A district identified for LSI will continue to use the systems and processes established at the local level for continuous improvement efforts. There is no change in regulatory requirements for LSI districts. |
Target District | A district that has any school identified for CSI, ATSI, TSI, or if any subgroup at the district level is identified for CSI, ATSI, or TSI, then the district is identified for Target District. |
Read the Accountability Fact Sheet for Parents for more information. Find more information about ESSA Accountability Designations on our website.
For accountability statuses and support models for all districts, schools, and their subgroups, please click here.
The Support Model identified for this District/School: Target District
Support Models Identified in This District | |
Institution Name | Support Model |
ACADEMY-LANGUAGE AND TECHNOLOGY | Local Support and Improvement |
BRONX CENTER FOR SCI & MATH | Local Support and Improvement |
BRONX COLLEGIATE ACADEMY | Local Support and Improvement |
BRONX EARLY COL ACAD-TEACH/LEARN | Local Support and Improvement |
BRONX HIGH SCHOOL OF BUSINESS | Local Support and Improvement |
BRONX HS FOR MEDICAL SCIENCE | Local Support and Improvement |
BRONX INTERNATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL | Local Support and Improvement |
BRONX LEADERSHIP ACAD HIGH SCHOOL | Local Support and Improvement |
BRONX SCHOOL FOR LAW, GOV, JUSTICE | Local Support and Improvement |
BRONX WRITING ACADEMY | Local Support and Improvement |
CLAREMONT INTERNATIONAL HS | Local Support and Improvement |
COMP MODEL SCH PROJECT MS 327 | Local Support and Improvement |
DREAMYARD PREPARATORY SCHOOL | Local Support and Improvement |
EAGLE ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN | Local Support and Improvement |
EXIMIUS COLLEGE PREP ACADEMY | Local Support and Improvement |
FAMILY SCHOOL | Local Support and Improvement |
FREDERICK DOUGLASS ACAD III | Local Support and Improvement |
GRANT AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL | Local Support and Improvement |
HIGH SCHOOL-VIOLIN AND DANCE | Local Support and Improvement |
HIGHBRIDGE GREEN SCHOOL | Local Support and Improvement |
IS 117 JOSEPH H WADE | Local Support and Improvement |
IS 219 NEW VENTURE SCHOOL | Local Support and Improvement |
IS 229 ROLAND PATTERSON | Local Support and Improvement |
IS 232 | Local Support and Improvement |
IS 303 LEADERSHIP & COMM SERVICE | Local Support and Improvement |
IS 313 SCHOOL OF LEADERSHIP DEV | Local Support and Improvement |
IS 339 | Local Support and Improvement |
JHS 22 JORDAN L MOTT | Local Support and Improvement |
KAPPA | Local Support and Improvement |
LUCERO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL | Local Support and Improvement |
MORRIS ACADEMY FOR COLLA STUDIES | Local Support and Improvement |
MOTT HALL BRONX HIGH SCHOOL | Local Support and Improvement |
MOTT HALL III | Local Support and Improvement |
MOUNT EDEN CHILDREN'S ACADEMY | Local Support and Improvement |
NEW AMERICAN ACAD-R CLEMENTE | Comprehensive Support and Improvement |
NEW DIRECTIONS SECONDARY SCHOOL | Comprehensive Support and Improvement |
NEW MILLENNIUM BRONX ACAD ARTS | Local Support and Improvement |
NEW PATHWAYS ACADEMY | Local Support and Improvement |
NYC GEOG DIST # 9 - BRONX | Target District |
PS 109 SEDGWICK | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 11 HIGHBRIDGE | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 110 THEODORE SCHOENFELD | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 114 LUIS LLORENS TORRES SCHOOL | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 126 DR MARJORIE H DUNBAR | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 132 GARRETT A MORGAN | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 163 ARTHUR A SCHOMBERG | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 170 | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 199 SHAKESPEARE SCHOOL (THE) | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 204 MORRIS HEIGHTS | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 236 LANGSTON HUGHES | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 28 MOUNT HOPE | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 35 FRANZ SIEGEL | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 42 CLAREMONT | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 53 BASHEER QUISIM | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 55 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN | Comprehensive Support and Improvement |
PS 58 | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 63 AUTHOR'S ACADEMY | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 70 MAX SCHOENFELD | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 73 BRONX | Local Support and Improvement |
PS 88 S SILVERSTEIN LITTLE SPARROW | Local Support and Improvement |
PS/IS 218 R H DUAL LANG MAGNET | Local Support and Improvement |
PS/MS 4 CROTONA PARK WEST | Local Support and Improvement |
SCHOOL FOR EXCELLENCE | Additional Targeted Support and Improvement |
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ACADEMY | Local Support and Improvement |
SHERIDAN ACADEMY-YOUNG LEADERS | Local Support and Improvement |
SOUTH BRONX INTERNATIONAL MS | Targeted Support and Improvement |
URBAN ASSMBLY SCHOOL-APPL MATH | Local Support and Improvement |
VALIDUS PREP ACADEMY | Local Support and Improvement |
WALTON AVENUE SCHOOL | Local Support and Improvement |
YOUNG WOMEN'S LDSHP SCHOOL-BRONX | Local Support and Improvement |
How do students at your child’s school perform on New York State tests?
Students in New York State take standardized tests in English language arts and mathematics in grades 3-8, science in grades 4 and 8, and high school Regents exams in English, mathematics, science, and social studies. The tests are designed to measure how well students are mastering the learning standards that guide classroom instruction and help to ensure that students are on track to graduate from high school with the critical thinking, problem solving, and reasoning skills needed for success in college and the modern workplace.
Students are assigned a performance level based on how well they do on the tests, with 4 being the highest level a student can earn.
New York State Assessments (Tests) Performance Levels | |
Performance Level | Description |
Level 4 | Advanced Proficient |
Level 3 | Proficient |
Level 2 | Partially Proficient |
Level 1 | Not Proficient |
Students who achieve a performance level of 3 or 4 are considered to be proficient. The data below indicate the percentage of students that achieved a performance level of 3 or 4 on each test.
Additional information about tests is available on our State Assessment website, including fact sheets about the 3-8 tests for parents and stakeholders.
The graduation rate is the percentage of students who entered grade 9 in the same school year who earned a local or Regents diploma four years later.
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) reports the percentage of students who earned a local or Regents diploma by June, four year after they entered grade 9. NYSED also reports the percentage of students who earned a local or Regents diploma by August of the same year (the August percentage includes all students who earned a diploma by June and August combined).
The New York State Education Department also reports the percentage of students who earned a local or Regents diploma five and six years later.
4, 5, and 6-Year Graduation Rates (June and August) | |
Cohort | Graduation Rate |
2019 4-year August Cohort | 79% |
2019 4-year June Cohort | 77% |
2018 5-year August Cohort | 82% |
2018 5-year June Cohort | 82% |
2017 6-year August Cohort | 82% |
2017 6-year June Cohort | 82% |
For more information about the graduation rate by student subgroup, or to compare graduation rates for your school or district to the state graduation rate, please refer to your school or district’s full report on graduation rate data